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Teal's Modest Adventures

Life & Events > Stuff to Do ...

Stuff to Do ...

Stop – You can’t finish Christmas shopping without this: From the Harriet Carter Catalog you can get Musical Toilet Paper!! $5.98 for one, $9.98 for two. It plays Christmas songs as you pull the tissue.

I leafed through the catalogs looking for those conveniences that sometimes work out. I want to order a spice rack that slides out of the cabinet space and then it arcs to the side so you can see all the spices. I’ve been looking at this page for months. I’m going to do it.

I also would like that sliding base you put your coffee maker on and slide it forward to prepare and slide it back when done. Ditto the toaster, because you don’t want the underside of your cabinet to turn brown (which happened in Queens and lucky I didn’t burn anything)

And I bought a 4- or 5-plug outlet that, it appears, has to be installed, so Ed has to do it. I wanted a one-stop place for charging my phone and camera. Maybe he’ll do it – maybe it will sit in the closet another couple of years.

Meanwhile, Batteries Plus put a new battery in my Seiko watch that I have had about 8 years, and after a few days it stopped working. I took the watch in again and am told it is not the battery and I need a repair. The way these things go, I probably need a new watch because repairs are so costly it is hardly worth getting that done. The previous Seiko I had worked for 20 years so I am miffed.

The lights in our antique-style lanterns on the patio have burned out and Ed said he would replace. This is awkward to do as the casings have to be unscrewed. I may get new lights before I go to the hereafter. Maybe not. No lights on the patio make it hard to locate Max at night when I want him in. Although he is pretty good about it – he sees me and knows it’s time and that I won’t quit till I get him, so he trots in, sometimes making annoyed little sounds.

Formal dining table still full of Ed’s guardian projects. Nadine and Mickey may join us for a turkey on Christmas, or not, depending on how well Mickey is feeling, but the table has to be ready just in case. Ed loves turkey and insisted I get a large one – range for the larger ones is 16 – 18, so it may be we will be picking up an 18 pounder tomorrow.

Today was a wash-out. I am not sleeping due to severe sciatica pain and pillow solutions are not working. I am deep stretching the leg in the middle of the night and it hardly helps. My newish friend, Kathy, who opened “Mimi’s Boutique” down by the big road recently and is not to be confused with former Kathies now in the wind, gave me a referral to her chiropractor whom she says has helped her. First thing next week I am calling for an appointment. I was up minimum 8 times last night.

Wish I felt more festive but my heart’s not in it this year.
Losses of course -- my best friend from young years, Penny, who died in October, but also lack of energy. And Ed is so busy with his guardian duties that we totally didn't give our boat parade party that was so much fun to do when we had it all together. Anyway, I E mailed Stephanie, Penny's daughter, having her in my thoughts and hoping she can make it for a visit during the cold days in Chicago.

Ed took a photo of Brunswick sitting on my head as I lounged on the loveseat. If I can manage, I will post it.

xx, Teal

posted on Dec 23, 2012 12:47 PM ()


Try taking the watch to another place for a battery. I had the same experience at Penney's one time. I took it someplace else for a battery and it worked for a year or so until it needed another battery. Sometimes batteries go bad sitting on the shelf.
comment by catdancer on Jan 7, 2013 7:09 PM ()
hi, took it to a Seiko dealer and they confirmed the watch needed a repair and would have to send it to main place in Jersey, so we bought me another watch. And, guess what, the new watch's battery was on the shelf too long and the watch didn't work, so now I am looking for a Seiko store in this area (we bought out of town) to replace the battery because a Batteries Plus tech couldn't manage it without the right tool.
reply by tealstar on Jan 7, 2013 8:09 PM ()
you can find some cool stuff in catalogs...even in this era of websites. I found an Elvis telephone once...his hips swivel when it rings. And who can live without the official Mr. Spock cookie jar.

yer one person's treasure etc pal
comment by honeybugg on Dec 28, 2012 12:31 AM ()
I love catalogs but mostly I look for items that make life more convenient (and actually work). As for collectibles, I have lived in my first marriage with a man who accumulated things, mostly electronics equipment and parts and books, magazines (but not clothes). Ed collects antiques, was once a prominent Revolutionary war musket collector (sold them) and still loves to buy porcelain and I have to stop him because we have nowhere to put new acquisitions. Ditto clothes. He keeps buying and no dresser space. There you have it. I have a knack collecting men who collect.
reply by tealstar on Dec 28, 2012 6:17 AM ()
I get sciatica and can't remember whether to stand or sit or lie down to feel better. Nothing helps except a couple of yoga stretches. The stretches have to be held for at least 30 seconds for them to work.
comment by boots586 on Dec 27, 2012 11:49 AM ()
yes, in the middle of the night, in the bed, I am doing a flexed leg stretch toward the ceiling. I used to dance ballet -- I do big stretches every morning -- you know, nose on knee, splits, the whole nine yards. I got old anyway. But I just went to a chiropractor that a friend recommended for this problem. I think this treatment will help. You might try a chiro if you don't get relief soon.
reply by tealstar on Dec 27, 2012 2:32 PM ()
I'm so sorry you're in pain, hope you find a solution soon. Hugs.
comment by troutbend on Dec 24, 2012 3:33 PM ()
I am sending you a huge helping of Christmas spirit and healing thoughts.
I just feel so thankful that Ted and Bobby made it through 2012.
comment by elderjane on Dec 24, 2012 8:41 AM ()
My arthritis was diagnosed (in error) as Sciatica for years before my dermatologist told me I had Psoriatic Arthritis, related to the inflammation caused by the Psoriasis.
comment by jondude on Dec 24, 2012 7:44 AM ()
However, I don't have a skin problem of any significance (maybe a dry patch now and then and not constant). Could this still be the reason?
reply by tealstar on Dec 24, 2012 11:16 AM ()
Had the same watch experience. It was one of those that set itself by receiving a radio signal every night from the bureau of standards and measures in Fort Collins. I gave up on it when "it wasn't the battery".
Have an average Christmas!
comment by jjoohhnn on Dec 23, 2012 3:20 PM ()
I finished buying last month--now not a thing until February!!
comment by greatmartin on Dec 23, 2012 2:30 PM ()
Oh Oh Oh -- you nean Valentine's Day!
reply by tealstar on Dec 23, 2012 8:39 PM ()
Sounds like Ed needs Santa to surprise him with a nice file cabinet. Hope that pesky and painful sciatica calms down soon. Have a relaxed Xmas.
comment by steve on Dec 23, 2012 2:01 PM ()
no problem I feel the same way.Have no interest and waiting for the year of 2013.
All of my family are gone along with our beloved dog Buffy.
So you see not a very Merry here but will tolerated.
comment by fredo on Dec 23, 2012 1:59 PM ()

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