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Teal's Modest Adventures

Life & Events > Relationships > Matchmaking


I listen to West Wing re-runs in the morning on Bravo. I’ve seen them all so I don’t watch the screen, but tend to chores. I was busy in the kitchen when it ended and the chatter turned mindless. It was “Millionaire Matchmaker”. Please explain why millionaires, who, traditionally, are concerned that their romantic connections may only be interested in them for their money, and boo-hoo, they want to be loved for themselves, would participate in a matchmaking effort where this is a given from the start. I poked my ahead around the corner and Ed was sitting on the sofa in what appeared to be a hypnotic trance. “What’s going on,” I asked, “are you watching in horrified fascination?” He was. There was one great line and I repeat it here because it is priceless. The matchmaker, I think her name is Susan, said, “Beauty fades but dumb is forever.” I think I’ll have a T shirt made with that on it. (I have a list of sayings I threaten to have put on T shirts.)

Lately, the only time this program runs, it’s a repeat, so I don’t think they are making any new ones. The millionaires they find are usually not truly appealing, some are nerdy, some of the nerdy ones are still full of themselves just as if they looked like Tom Cruise. And the good-looking ones are self-involved, egotistical and want perfect tens for their date, because that’s what they deserve, feel life owes them. Some come on the show thinking they will find Miss Right and finally make a commitment, when the commitment thing, or lack thereof, is what has been messing them up all along. So forget it will happen here either.

I am reminded of the classic joke. A woman at a party is admiring the huge diamond ring worn by another guest. “This is the Biederman diamond,” she is told, “but it comes with a curse.” “Oh my, what is the curse?” asks the woman. “Biederman,” is the reply.

The women range from a truck driver’s wet dream to a barracuda business woman, whom, Ed said, didn’t want a he-man, but a wimp she could control. Not necessarily, I am thinking. She probably tries to dominate every man she meets precisely so that the one who stands up to her and doesn’t give a damn, is the one she will respect. Anyway, that’s my guess.

The excuse, of course, is that it’s just as easy to love a rich man. I think the qualities that it takes to succeed in a big way aren’t always the ones that make you a great husband and father, not that it can’t happen.

All of this is historical musing. I’m allowed. And, anyway, a million doesn't go that far any more.

xx, Teal

posted on Aug 2, 2010 8:26 AM ()


I was watching that show a few days ago and a millionaire chose a pretty young lady who said she didn't mind that he was overweight. So they go on a date, limo, private plane, etc. She was wearing a sexy dress. He wore a pair of tatty old jeans like guys wear when they want to change the oil in their car, and he wasn't shaven. The Matchmaker should've done a makeover on him, cleaned him up. Even a million couldn't make him appealing.
comment by susil on Aug 7, 2010 9:39 AM ()
Don't you wish she had told him to take a hike as in "clean up or I'm outta here?"
reply by tealstar on Aug 7, 2010 3:58 PM ()
I just thank my lucky stars I found my wonderful Mr. Troutbend and he puts up with me.
comment by troutbend on Aug 3, 2010 1:37 PM ()
This was a very funny post and I loved it. The man who brought the house
across the street has never been married but has three children and three baby mamas. The children all live with their moms. He is nice looking, prosperous and friendly but I would not match him up with a friend for
obvious reasons.
comment by elderjane on Aug 3, 2010 5:55 AM ()
And he contributes support to all? And all the mamas do or don't know about each other? The kids should be introduced lest they grow into teenhood, meet at the mall, and start to cohabit. It happens. Then we get more babies who grow up to be Republicans (read "retarded").
reply by tealstar on Aug 3, 2010 9:59 AM ()
"A million doesn't go that far anymore". That's true! However, at my age, I think I could probably stretch it for the rest of my life with a few good investments. Just give me the million and skip the man. None of them sound like my type.
comment by redimpala on Aug 2, 2010 9:00 AM ()
Here's an ad for the personals section: Wanted, man with million dollars. Need not show up. Just send the money. Years ago, in the Village Voice, an ad ran every week that said, "Mr. Wrong," and a phone no. I'll bet you he got lots of action from women who thought they were going to "change" him.
reply by tealstar on Aug 3, 2010 10:03 AM ()

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