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Food & Drink > Good Sunday Morning!

Good Sunday Morning!

I know I said a few weeks, right after I signed off ...let me start at the beginning.
Wednesday at lunch hubby showed up and I asked him to take me to the store.  He looked like hell and wouldn't look me in the eye.  He was clearly stressed and I didn't know why.  I bought him a phone card so that Ra could call him as he wanted to see his grandpa.  Hubby asked if I'd pack a bag of some of his stuff and he'd come by later in the afternoon and pick it up and to see Ra.  I did as he requested as soon as I got home from work.  At 4 PM he called and said he was on his way over. 
Ra and grandpa were so happy to see each other it broke my heart.  Ra showed him the clubhouse the kids and him had made, they have a swing and a couch and even a pool table.  I'll go and take a picture later.  I have a picture of all the kids but I don't have permission from all their partents to post it yet so I'll hold off. 
 Anyway, hubby came into the house and was clearly still upset about something and still he wouldn't look at me, he just sat himself down in his chair and stared into space like a very troubled soul.  I told him his bag was ready and asked if he wanted a glass of juice or soda.  No, nothing he responded.  I told him that this was still his home that he left the home, the home didn't leave him.  I also told him he was welcome here anytime.  He said he needed more time to think and I said I understood.  I didn't, but being sober for the first time in years I was being human. 
It was close to supper time about now so I asked if he wanted to eat and he said no. but I had to feed Ra so I started on my chili.  I put oil in the pan and chopped an onion and threw that in the oil, when I opened the fridge to grab the hamburg out he got up and said he'd be right back.  About a minute later he came back into the house and said he was staying home.  I was clearly confused as he had just asked me for more time, but I wasn't going to argue.  He was finally looking at me and I asked why?  And he said he knew that the hurt he was feeling was because of the hurt he had inflicted on me and that he still loved me with everything in his heart and soul.  He said the guilt he felt kept him away from me because he thought that I'd never take him back.  He told the other woman that he still loved me and that Ra and I needed him and he's been here ever since.
He told me all the gory details, which I honestly could have lived without but I knew it made him feel better to get it off his chest.  He says it' was a burnout, I call it a mid-life crisis.
The anger in me is slowly ebbing away, the hurt will be here for awhile.  But we are back on track and like he says, IT's You and Me against the world. 
Thursday night we all went out to supper and then did some shopping at Walmart, Friday was spent at home, yesterday we went thrift store shopping, I love that chore...LOL!!!  Ra spent the whole day with a friend so we had the day to ourselves but we were home about noon.  I then proceeded to cook like a champion.  I've lost so much weight in the last two weeks that I'm now in a 14 pant, hubby took a picture yesterday I'll post it with my jokes in a bit. We had sloppy joes for lunch.  I baked a cake, yellow with chocolate frosting, and an apple pie.  I made chicken salad for my lunches this week and ham salad for hubby's and Ra's.  I then made broccoli and cheddar cheese soup for supper.  I finally perfected my pie crust.  For years I've tried in vain to make a good pie crust and couldn't, I've been buying that stuff that you just unroll. 
This morning we are having biscuits, I'm on a roll, pie crusts and now biscuits, LOL.  Fried potatoes, and chicken and cheese omelets.  For lunch it's gonna be salmon patties and for supper we are having honey orange chicken and rice with fried green beans.  It feels so good to be cooking again!!!!!!!
The first year that hubby and I were dating he brought me a single red rose every morning.  He's back to doing that. When he went and got his stuff and came back Wednesday he bought the first one and has been doing it every day since.  I love roses, yellow are my favs but red is nice too.  Jes and Wayne came over Friday night and Jill and John came by last night.  We have some good friends we just never realized it before.  I'm still sober, it's been 14 days.  I feel good, but I look alot better.  I hadn't been eating or sleeping and now I'm doing both.  It's good.  Hubby hadn't been eating or sleeping much either.  We're both now well rested and well fed.  It's just so nice to wake from my numerous nightmares and find him there with his arms around me telling me to shhh, it'll be alright. 
Speaking of nightmares.  In the past few weeks I've had terrible nightmares, I was afraid to go to sleep.  They are so real.  Maybe I'm just watching too many horror flicks.  But they've never bothered me before.  Jes brought us over the movie the Notebook, so in a bit I'm gonna get hubby up, with his breakfast in bed, and afterwards we're going to watch it before Ra wakes up.
We bought some board games at Walmart the other day and so we've been playing them with Ra.  We played Monopoly for two hours Friday night and when I started to get my money back up after buying a lot of property everyone wanted to quit.  Go figure.  They just knew I'd win.  Ok, I'm rambling, let me put the finishing touches on my breakfast in bed and get into that movie. 
Have a trully glorious Sunday!!
Happy Cooking,

posted on Sept 21, 2008 3:40 AM ()


comment by teacherwoman on Sept 27, 2008 2:23 PM ()
good luck my love
comment by grumpy on Sept 24, 2008 6:04 PM ()
I'm glad to hear that things have improved at your house. That refrigerated crust from the store has a bad taste like refrigerated biscuits. I am always amazed at people who claim it is just as good as home made.
comment by troutbend on Sept 21, 2008 8:17 PM ()
Barb, I'm so glad things are going well. It's pretty common for men to go through "that" period. It sounds as if things are now wonderful, probably better than ever! I'm so very, very happy for you and your son AND your man! Glad you're back to cooking... You love doing that so much! I wish I did. I looked at your pie crust recipe, just looked. I know I'll never make one.
comment by sunlight on Sept 21, 2008 2:15 PM ()
well that is quite something there.Lets hope that the goodness
will stay.Maybe a angel out there looking our for you guys.
Good luck and hope that this get sort out.
comment by fredo on Sept 21, 2008 10:36 AM ()
Thanks so much. I also used my food processer but 3 cups of flour and 1 stick of butter. The dough felt so very good, but cooked up so very hard.
comment by angiedw on Sept 21, 2008 9:38 AM ()
Wonderful. You sound so very happy! I want your piecrust recipe! I made some the other day--so very tough--too much flour?? water?? Let me know.
comment by angiedw on Sept 21, 2008 3:47 AM ()

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