It's another Monday morning, and I don't have to go to school! Yep, I'm retired. It's been ten years, and every Monday morning I wake up thankful I can stay at home and goof off.
Don't get me wrong. I enjoyed teaching. I was good (or so I thought) at it, liked my subject area (earth science), and felt secure job-wise and financially. Teaching was a good profession, albeit demanding.
But come Monday mornings, it was difficult--almost depressing-- to enter the school building and greet 125 little monsters (age 13). Talk about Halloween every day of the week! Once I got into the flow of the routines, I was ok. But Monday was a killer.
Now my Mondays are like Saturdays of old. No dressing up, no quick breakfast, no 15 minute drive. I can go play golf, or, like on this cold, windy morning, hop on the computer and "play around". And the day only gets better! No papers to grade tonight or lesson plans to prepare. I can actually enjoy Monday night football and/or the World Series.
Whoopee, life is good!