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Life & Events > Boring > Sounds of Silence

Sounds of Silence

Perhaps I should title this post, "Walk, Don't Run", but that usually doesn't apply to me.

However, the day after my 5k run last week, I "took it easy" and walked 5 miles through the countryside at daybreak.

I was truly amazed at how quiet it was, realizing this after I heard a cow bawling a half mile away. She broke the silence. Then I started hearing other sounds--crickets, birds, rustling corn, and a far away truck.

Walking down a county (or country) road can be a very serene experience. This is the perfect time of year to get in touch with nature. Autumn is in the air. Our corn is drying, beans turning rusty red. With corn fields to your right and left, you can only see straight ahead of you, like looking down a tunnel. It's rather eery, but in a good way.

I feel sorry for city folks. They can't see, hear, or smell the open countryside--the prairies of North Central Indiana. Today has barely begun, but I'm looking forward to tomorrow-a silent walk down the road (I'm jogging today).
Have a nice weekend/holiday.

posted on Sept 4, 2010 5:54 AM ()


Hey Randy!!!
Sounds like a slice of heaven on earth, I knew you'd like that pun!!! Silence is a daily MUST for me....Riding in Bidwell Park on my new bike, is my latest meditation time at 8am..... after I take one of my clients to school. I love my bike rack, as I can feel 10 years old daily right now!!!
I have missed chatting with some of you, I try to read your posts at least to keep up with how life is treating you and my other friends on mybloggers!!! Silence is what my bike hat says on it in Italian, of course Parker had to buy it for me to wear with or without my new helmet!!!!
Be Free.....Be wild...silence is healing!!!
Peace Barb
comment by darkstar on Sept 7, 2010 5:35 PM ()
It's always nice to "hear" your voice every now and then. I'd like to say I'll always be here to listen, but everything is subject to change. That's pretty neat about riding your bike. Glad to see you and Parker are still a couple. Of course, I'm jealous! Be well and keep in touch.
reply by solitaire on Sept 8, 2010 4:29 PM ()
You know I can totally relate to the statement about the country road... when I am at the lake with the parentals, once we break away from the lake houses, it's totally country and quiet --- and people WAVE at you to say hi. That always blows me away... it's a sure sign you are in the country when people wave - for me anyways. I love it.
I do love the hustle bustle of city life and always wanted to live in NYC for at least a year but I really am excited about having a house with land that is just ours. I can't really completely fathom it right now but that's our goal... Exciting times indeed!
comment by kristilyn3 on Sept 5, 2010 8:46 PM ()
Yes, everybody waves at me. I think it has more to do with "OMG--there's another person!" than just being friendly. Plus, every small community wants to be known as a friendly place with their own little mottos, like "There's a smile on every face here in Tinytown USA". Anyway, good luck in finding your landing spot.
reply by solitaire on Sept 6, 2010 5:34 AM ()
My remark about "not wanting to live there" was in retaliation to visitors to New York City who always say, great place to visit but ... who needs them anyway. They are the people who discard food wrappers in their wake while dissing New York streets for being dirty. I am not daunted by constant activity. Many are.
comment by tealstar on Sept 5, 2010 8:27 AM ()
Since there is a baseball field behind the house, we watched the teenies
play ball last night. Their helmets almost swallow them and when the
little catcher comes up to bat she throws her helmet down. I think these
little ones cannot be over four years old. I get that same peace and serenity walking in the neighborhood.
comment by elderjane on Sept 5, 2010 7:22 AM ()
Cool--baseball in your back yard. Walking city streets is daunting: Uneven sidewalks, trashy yards, traffic, dogs, people staring. But at least there is something to look at. Enjoy your walks.
reply by solitaire on Sept 6, 2010 5:26 AM ()
I could smell spring and fall when I lived in Chicago and later when I lived in New York City. The country is wonderful. But I wouldn't want to live there.
comment by tealstar on Sept 4, 2010 8:35 PM ()
And visa versa!! I loved being in Chicago and New York City, but I certainly wouldn't want to live there.
reply by solitaire on Sept 5, 2010 6:03 AM ()
You paint a good picture for us, it's lovely.
comment by troutbend on Sept 4, 2010 6:16 PM ()
An artist--and writer/poet--I'm not. But thanks anyway.
reply by solitaire on Sept 5, 2010 6:01 AM ()
Poor Martin.He must be having problems sleeping.Sounds of Silence.Simon and Garfunkel.So nice to hear that you had a lovely walk there and a touch of Mother Nature.
comment by fredo on Sept 4, 2010 12:59 PM ()
No I don't go to sleep at 5 in the evening like some people who live in NH--I go to sleep at a reasonable time like around 2 AM
reply by greatmartin on Sept 5, 2010 9:28 AM ()
I have the wide open spaces, and you have the beach/ocean. It's not the place. It's the feeling. Peace and quiet. (And I at your "poor Martin"!)
reply by solitaire on Sept 5, 2010 5:56 AM ()
I'm glad to read people are getting back to the need for silence, and are taking time to enjoy it.
comment by anacoana on Sept 4, 2010 9:00 AM ()
Ironically, when I spent a week camping out in a gorge in S. Utah (a couple years ago), the only noise I heard, besides coyotes, was high flying jets coming and going to Vegas and LA. I hated that!
reply by solitaire on Sept 5, 2010 5:53 AM ()
Don't feel sorry for the city folk--every evening around Midnight I go down to The Point at the end of our grounds which overlooks Karen Bay--between the water, the moon, stars, the clouds and the satellites glowing the sky we are surrounded by quiet except for the occasional fish jumping out of the water!
PS Around here, where the old folks live, I am the only on still awake so there are very few, if any, distrating lights and the 'city noises' don't interfere with the peacefulness.
comment by greatmartin on Sept 4, 2010 8:17 AM ()
Solitude can be found anywhere--it you know where to look. Sounds like you've found the ideal spot! Wonderful!
reply by solitaire on Sept 5, 2010 5:50 AM ()
Sounds so beautiful the way you describe it. As a kid I spent my summers on a farm in Indiana so I know what you mean. Those days are but distant memories now that posts like this touch and almost bring to the surface again- but only almost, like looking at something just below the water's surface.
comment by dragonflyby on Sept 4, 2010 7:35 AM ()
Thanks Dottie. I'm a "scientist", not a writer. I just wrote what I heard and saw--no fancy words metaphors. (I could have thrown in "halcyon days"!)
reply by solitaire on Sept 5, 2010 5:49 AM ()

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