I don't usually watch Larry King (Live), but in channel surfing last night, I happened on to him with Dr. Phil talking about politics and psychology. Make of that combination as you wish.
It didn't take long for me to disagree with what he (Dr. Phil)had to say. He claims that no matter what the candidates proclaim about the economy, Iraq, immigrants, health reform, the price of gas, etc., etc., the bottom line for most voters is "What's in it for me?"
Now I agree we're an egocentric creature on most things. After all, the universe does revolve around each one of us. But in this presidential race year, I think the big issues ARE about the "worldly" topics. Most of us have jobs (or are retired) and have health plans, and are safe from being foreclosed. We may grouse a little, but most of us have enough money for food and gas. I don't expect the president or government to take care of me. His and their jobs are to secure and maintain our country's safety and well-being.
This includes our nation's role in environmental concerns, how and where we spend our tax money, national security, Social Security, crime prevention, education, and many more.
Let me ask you (perhaps I'm wrong): do you agree with Dr. Phil? Is "what's in it for me?" your bottom line for the candidate of your choice?