I just returned from dropping my daughter (and granddaughter) off at the Indianapolis airport for the trip back to their home in Honduras. I fought the tears saying goodbye. I probably won't see her for another one and a half years. That's the tough part.
I can't say anything--I did the same thing for 7 years when I taught school in California. I didn't have any children during those years, so my parents didn't miss out on grandchildren. However (and I hate to say this, but...), my grandkids are out-of-control whiny brats, and it's very difficult for me to be or even act loving to them. I've written about them before, so I'll stop there.
Off this subject, I just heard confirmation of what I've said all my life: drinking 8 glasses of water/day is a myth! "Drink when you're thirsty." Hurray! I could and would never drink all that water. It just makes the kidneys work harder and increases the number of toilet (or tree) runs. It doesn't suppress appetite either. So there!