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Food & Drink > A Long Time from Now

A Long Time from Now

I just returned from dropping my daughter (and granddaughter) off at the Indianapolis airport for the trip back to their home in Honduras. I fought the tears saying goodbye. I probably won't see her for another one and a half years. That's the tough part.
I can't say anything--I did the same thing for 7 years when I taught school in California. I didn't have any children during those years, so my parents didn't miss out on grandchildren. However (and I hate to say this, but...), my grandkids are out-of-control whiny brats, and it's very difficult for me to be or even act loving to them. I've written about them before, so I'll stop there.

Off this subject, I just heard confirmation of what I've said all my life: drinking 8 glasses of water/day is a myth! "Drink when you're thirsty." Hurray! I could and would never drink all that water. It just makes the kidneys work harder and increases the number of toilet (or tree) runs. It doesn't suppress appetite either. So there!

posted on Apr 3, 2008 6:52 AM ()


Is the leftover wine red or white? Maybe you should drink a couple of glasses of wine when your grand children are around and that would make them easier to take...
comment by catdancer on Apr 21, 2008 9:28 AM ()
Randy, you are so funny. I just had a vision of you in your proving your point. There is nothing better than proving you are right. Sorry about your daughter leaving. My heart goes out to you! I hate in when mine leaves for the weekend. Not looking forward to 8 years from now.
comment by frogfenatic on Apr 6, 2008 7:59 PM ()
Hi sol; Aw gotta love those whiny brats..as long as it's not too often!
As for the water thing, I often wondered how the people living in deserts
live without their 8 glasses a day--they seem to survive pretty well.
comment by susil on Apr 6, 2008 7:32 AM ()
(((HUG))) Now, how about a glass of wine?
comment by marta on Apr 4, 2008 9:44 PM ()
My grandkids are pretty nice except for youngest who is quite spoiled and has her father wrapped around her little finger. I try to do extra things for Adrienne to make up for it.
comment by elderjane on Apr 4, 2008 7:28 PM ()
I agree with you on the water myth! - I drink plenty, however only when I AM thirsty...

I have dear friends with such misbehaved kids, I had to stop going to visit... Sorry you are having those problems with your own Grandkids... Makes it tough I am sure!

Happy Friday sweetie!
comment by greeneyedgemini on Apr 4, 2008 10:22 AM ()
I have a friend who had the most misbehaved grandchildren ever! The mom did nothing to correct them. They turned out super-fine!
Thank goodness for the study on water! I always lie to my doctor about drinking all that water. I can't do it! Now I don't have to...
comment by sunlight on Apr 4, 2008 2:03 AM ()
Happy Thursday Randy!!
As I have stated before, you really impress me, your daughter knows how you feel!!! Tears or no tears the love and concern you have for all 4 of your children shines through on this computer!!
Can I ask where your grandson was? Maybe he stayed in Honduras?
The two weeks I spent with my three sisters and their families and of course "Chickie", my adopted Mom in Simi Valley was two of the best weeks with my family EVER!!!!
I told a friend, if they all die today or if I die today, we would all know how much love and respect we have for each other!!! We somehow made up for all the years we didn't grow up together, especially in the late 1970's!! Anyhow, it's OK to cry....my Father was a man of few words, but the last week of his life, he cried so many tears...out of excruciating physical and emotional pain and torment.
You may be surprised but I have NEVER had a slice of Pecan Pie, it sounds absolutely delectable!! I would love a slice of yours with some freshly ground coffee beans!! My oldest daughter goes on these huge baking sprees, of course from scratch, we now know it is THERAPY for her!! People love getting goodie bags from Ayla, no matter what the occassion!!
I made chocolate bars in my huge Pyrex and everyone devoured them last night at a meeting I attend on Wednesday evenings!!!
Be well my friend,
comment by darkstar on Apr 3, 2008 10:10 AM ()
Maybe it's a good thing neither of my daughters have had kids...
comment by looserobes on Apr 3, 2008 7:03 AM ()

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