I love the mute button on my TV remote control!
It's that time of year--football and basketball games out the wazoo. I try not to become addicted, but I hate to miss out on the live action.
What comes with the real stuff, unfortunately, are the commercials--a small price to pay, but irritating, nonetheless. And, of course, certain advertizers cater to the sports minded public, mainly males of a certain age bracket.
We get the beer and pick-up truck commercials for the "Wrangle jeans" young men.
We have the mature group ads promoting drugs for the old geezers--Lipitor, Cialis, etc. By the way, to you drug companies: WE GET THE MESSAGE!! I wonder how much cheaper the pills would cost if they didn't spend so much money on TV spots? Enough already!
This goes for car insurance, also. How is it possible for Allstate, State Farm, Geico, Progressive, Farmer's, 21st Century, et. al., each to claim "you can save an average of $554 on car insurance by switching to __________". Who are they kidding? (That's a rhetorical question, because evidently, vehicle owners must be grabbing the lure.)
Then there are the insurance commercials themselves-- some serious, some cute, some funny (drill instructor counselor!). And is it just me? I can't stand the Progressive dame! She asks an inane question to a prospective buyer: "Are you a safe driver?" No. I'm reckless. Duh. So some ads are just plain stupid, like the viewers.
And while I'm on my high horse, how in the world could the movie industry get away with the title of the new movie, "Little Fockers"? I mean, isn't it obvious anybody from the age of 10 up automatically substitutes the letter U for the O ? I know, it's marketing. Nobody would go see "The Little Smiths". But come on now, this is obscene.
There. I feel better. Have a nice day!