Yesterday when she was working her last 16 hour shift of the weekend, she was checking the computer for possible admits to her floor, and noticed that her Grandad was down in the Emergency Room. Grandad is my ex-husbands Father.
When my oldest came to live with me full time at the age of 16, instead of going back and forth between my house and her Dad's, some of my ex's family viewed it as her choosing one parent over the other; My ex-husband and his wife are included in the "some people" category. When my ex-husband stopped communicating with our oldest daughter, so did his Father. My daughter hasn't seen or spoken to her Grandad in about 4 years now. She's had a strained relationship with her Nana (Grandads wife and ex-husbands Mother) for as long too, but that poor woman is just stuck between her son, her husband, her son's wife, and a grand daughter.
My daughter was still a child when some relationships with her Father's side of the family went bad. She was hurt terribly by them. But regardless of that, when she found out her Grandad was downstairs in the ER, she held her head high and went into his curtain area to see how he was doing. He was scheduled to be admitted into a semi-private room, but she arranged to get him into a private room.
Grandads reaction to her was minimal to say the least. He barely spoke to her when she asked him a couple of questions. He wasn't excited to see her. My daughter wanted to see her Nana, but she had gone home to get something. My ex-husbands parents live about a mile from me. His Aunt & Uncle live around the corner from me and we honk our cars to each other when passing our respective houses. The Uncle is my ex-Father-in-laws brother who's son also works at the same hospital that my daughter works at. It's a small world.
Anyway... My daughter doesn't want anything from her Grandad. She simply saw that he was in the ER and wanted to make him as comfortable as possible. This took immense courage, forgiveness and compassion on her part. She could have pretended he wasn't there. He wouldn't be on her floor with rarely a possibility of running into him or other family members.
It's sad that her Grandad is still harboring resentment towards her. He's still unable to get over things (like his son, my ex-husband). Some people just go to their graves bitter and angry. What a waste.
I'm so proud of my daughter. And I'm a little more at ease about her future now that she's demonstrated such a forgiving heart. She's risen above the betrayal and anger and has moved on. My daughter's shown just how much she's grown up since all the "crap" went down and has truly passed some of these ignorant morons, who've acted like this was game that they lost, in maturity.

Those are "my girls"