Yesterday we went to our friends Pete & Betsi's house for a BBQ and fireworks. My husband and I went to school with them. They have been married to each other since shortly after graduation and actually still live over near our high school. It was fun for my husband and I to drive around our old stomping grounds. It's not too far away from where my husband I live now, but we don't get over there a whole lot anymore.
Today, our 3 year old granddaughter came over for a little visit. My oldest daughter, the baby's Mom, starts an afternoon shift at the hospital at 3:00pm and our grandbaby's Dad ends his security shift at 3:30pm. So we have the baby some Saturdays for about an hour and a half while her Mom & Dad's shifts overlap. She wanted to go in her little pool. It was a wonderful afternoon for that.
Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend!