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That's All She Wrote

Life & Events > Solicitors


I had two solicitors knock on my door yesterday.

The first solicitor was a girl, about 18 or 19, selling magazine subscriptions. She was very well spoken, very polite. I think she said that she was earning points for something to do with college.

I told her "no thank you" as politely as I could. I honestly get a ton a magazines. My mom, sister and I subscribe to many of them and share.

She pressed me to renew my current subscriptions through her. I had actually done that at one time for a relative who was doing some sort of fund raiser for school and it was a huge hassle.

Then she wanted to know if I wanted to "donate" a subscription.

Again, "no thank you."

She practically begged me. Poor thing. She looked so discouraged.

Later in the day, a young man knocked on my door. He looked to be around 20 years old. He was nicely dressed in a shirt and tie.

As soon as I opened the door, he shoved this can of air freshener in my hand claiming it to be a free gift. I was a little shocked and stunned at how fast he was talking and bouncing up and down on the porch. He asked me if I would accept his free gift and I said, "well... I guess so". He thanked me and said, "I'll be right back." He ran to his car parked in front of my house and out pops another guy, around the same age, dressed the same way, and they both practically run up my porch steps with this big box. I said "What is this all about?" And one of them said, "Oh, we'd just like to show you some cleaning products."

I said, "Oh, no... I am not interested in seeing or buying cleaning products. I don't clean." (lol)

He said "That's ok, I know you're not going to buy anything, but I just want to show them to you."

I said "No, I don't want to see them. My husband will be home any minute and we're going out." (It was Wednesday night = Date night)

He said "Just let me clean a little area of your carpet."

I said "We have hard wood floors."

He said "I can clean that too."

No thank you.

Good God!! How weird is that?

I feel really sorry for the people who subject themselves to this kind of door to door sales tactic. Does anyone really ever buy anything?

They are relentless and don't take no for an answer.

I don't like to be abrupt or rude, but Gosh... it was really annoying to have to fend off two of them in one day.

posted on July 3, 2008 7:14 AM ()


Yikes... two in one day!! I suppose the summer sales jobs have begun! I really don't care for solicitors either... and while I can appreciate that it's not an easy job, I figure if I want a magazine or some cleaning products, I'll go out and buy them myself!

A couple years ago my next door neighbours' little boy came to my door (I really didn't care for the parents too much -- they were very rough around the edges, I guess you could say -- but their little guy was SUCH a doll!) He asked if I wanted to buy a comic book, so of course I couldn't resist his cute little face and said, "Sure!" I figured the little comic book shouldn't cost any more than a couple of dollars. That's when the father put out his hand and said, "That'll be 30 bucks." I nearly choked -- but felt like an idiot and didn't want to turn the little guy down after saying yes. Turns out it was one of those city-wide coupon books -- not a comic book -- and yes, while it did end up coming in very handy for exploring new restaurants n' whatever, these were back in the days when I was living alone and $30 meant a whole lot more than it does now. Jeez... I'm so glad I now live in an apartment and don't get door to door solicitors anymore.
comment by mellowdee on July 8, 2008 2:28 PM ()
We don't get those where we live now. But at a time past, we did. I found it to be effective to hold my finger to my lips while giving the "Shhhh" sound followed by the comment, "don't wake my psycho brother or his pitbull. They are sleeping in the next room". Funny how fast people run down your sidewalk.
comment by mzscarlett on July 4, 2008 5:25 PM ()
I'm with you — no, thank you!
comment by marta on July 4, 2008 4:59 PM ()
Happy 'Fourth of July' Terri
comment by augusta on July 4, 2008 9:42 AM ()
Hate solicitors! If I want something, I will go out and buy it. Please do not try to tell me what I just cannot live without!
comment by dragonflyby on July 4, 2008 8:00 AM ()
Solicitors hit rural--out in the sticks-areas too. It's taken me many years to develope a tough hide. I still have trouble saying "no".
comment by solitaire on July 4, 2008 5:43 AM ()
Where I live nobody will come to my door with 5 dogs barking at them.They won't even enter the gated entry to our front door.Laurie
comment by dogsalot on July 3, 2008 8:39 PM ()
Ha. Oh at first I thought you meant solicitors as in lawyers.

I may have sprayed them with the air freshner…right in the bloody eyes…pesky bastids.
comment by dazeymae on July 3, 2008 1:40 PM ()
I have to say, that when we get any 'salespersons' coming around (be they religious nuts or whatever) I am straight with them and ask them to close the gate as they leave. I have never, had patience with sales people. (can't help it)
comment by augusta on July 3, 2008 1:25 PM ()
Next time, tell them you want to tell them first about Jesus.
comment by meranda on July 3, 2008 9:57 AM ()
Around here we only get religious groups or security companies! Wonder what the deal is with that
comment by teacherwoman on July 3, 2008 9:10 AM ()
ugh! I had a guy last summer selling books for kids. I listened to his whole spiel but could not afford them. he was a nice college kid and I felt bad for him. there's gotta be better ways for them to earn money!
comment by elkhound on July 3, 2008 8:07 AM ()
They used to do that "rug thing" with aluminum storm doors where I grew up in the city. The idea is, they clean a small section of the door or rug, then you're supposed to buy the product to finish the job. You could always tell when one of these guys came through the neighborhood. All these clean patches on the storm doors! Around here I only get JWs and Mormons, and they go to the wrong door--no problem letting the boyz run them off! In the name of Jesus, of course!
comment by jjoohhnn on July 3, 2008 7:51 AM ()
Solicitors are getting more aggressive.Sadly I did door-to-door sales and hated the tactics they made us use. Put a sign on your door that says no soliciting. By law, a sales person has to leave. It works on JWs(Jehovah's Witnesses)too.
comment by draco on July 3, 2008 7:27 AM ()
dayum... I wouldn't have even opened the door so you went a step further than me...
comment by kristilyn3 on July 3, 2008 7:20 AM ()

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