when the JUMBO Universal Remote that you literally cracked up over every time you passed by it during the last several months
sitting HUGELY on the shelf, near the men's dept at Kohl's
measuring 11" x 5"
that JUMBO Universal Remote which needs it's own end table
cuz it won't fit into the remote caddy thingy (where normal sized remotes go when they're not lost between the cushions of the couch)
that JUMBO Universal Remote you originally bought for your parents as a GAG, yet practical (for them!) Christmas gift
cuz they both have to put on their reading glasses every time they open a menu
and cuz they turn the TV off, when they meant to turn it down
and cuz they fast forward a movie, when they meant to pause it
that JUMBO Universal remote that now takes up 1/2 of MY end table
cuz, it turns out...
WE need it (as in my husband and I)
Well.... because it's just plain easier to see
And well... because it's easier to find
And because it makes me laugh every time one of my kids say "that thing is ridiculous"... yet they secretly crack up as they tell all their friends that their parents have "that" JUMBO Universal remote.
And because I smile every time my husband asks me
"Where's the remote?"