This haunted house is so special to me. It was made in 1980 by my Grandma. There is a light inside that has 5 different colored bulbs that flicker to make the house light up in a nifty spooky way.

Fall is one of my favorite times of year. I enjoy the smell of cinnamon and pumpkin and always have a Yankee candle or two burning to fill the house with those scents.

We bought this little portable fireplace/heater a few years back. I love it. That's a handmade penny rug mat on top of it. Some lady makes them and sells them on ebay and I think I have one for every holiday/season.

Those are fake apples in the bowls on the coffee table. My grand daughter has taken bites out of at least 4 of them, lol. I have to put the "bad apples" on the bottom, lol.

Aren't these country prim pumpkins and black cat cute? They make me smile.

That pie safe holds a little surprise for our grand daughter every time she comes over. She used to be unable to figure out how to position the "lock" to get the cupboards open, but she knows now, lol.

Thanks for stopping by. Happy Fall Y'all!