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That's All She Wrote

Parenting & Family > Divorce > Contradiction


I am an upbeat, happy, thankful, grateful and appreciative person. I am very animated, silly, funny and kinda loud sometimes... though I've been working on my decibel levels ever since the 5th grade, when my teacher wrote "she's loud" in the comments section of each semester of my report card that year...

MOST of the time, I'm able to

find the silver lining

count my blessings

pray for those less fortunate

attempt to find the lesson in difficult situations

I am usually bouncing happily and joyfully along the delightful path of my life, taking care of my husband, my kids, my grand baby, my family, my friends and myself ...

In whatever order is needed at the time :)

I honestly wake up HAPPY in the morning.

My Mom has always told me that "Happiness is a choice."
And I believe that to be true.

But just when I'm cruisin along...

having a wonderful time



while thanking God for all the treasures (that money can't buy) in my life...

And how in the world did I EVER get this lucky??

(wish I could make the font REALLY REALLY BIG HERE)

Back to:

That HORRIBLE woman that my ex-husband married says something about me or my oldest daughter to the two youngest kids OR simply does something hateful to them, and I find myself plummeting, at break neck speed, towards ANGER.

I physically feel the blood flowing, my face flush and my heart race.

I choose not speak to this woman anymore, since I've determined that she's crazy and I simply don't have the qualifications to unscramble her eggs. I haven't exchanged written word through email with her in YEARS. I don't even look in her direction when we're all at the same event/venue for one of the kids. (I secretly fear that giant balls of flames will shoot through me, if I look right at her, like in the first Indiana Jones movie)

BUT ...

I struggle with the complications that arise from her "non-presence, yet "presence" in my life.

She's not a part of my life, but she is...

She's not my problem, but she is...

She's has no control over my happiness, but she does...

I want to be happy. I don't want to be angry.

More than that, I don't WANT to give that woman (or anyone really) the slightest bit of power to MAKE me angry.

But how can I NOT be angry when she hurts my children??

How can I NOT react to the random HATEFUL things she spews to the kids?

It would be impossible to NOT be affected, right?

She is the polar opposite to my happiness. She is the ONLY "blip" on the radar of my terrific life. She's like an ugly bruise on an otherwise healthy beautiful body.

I am the rose...

She is the mutated thorn that got an overdose of miracle grow.

I don't wish her dead. I don't even wish her ill will. It is evident that karma has definitely gotten a hold of her and dished out her proper punishments. (She is married to my ex after all)

But I've often wished...

that she wasn't a part of my life

that she wasn't part of my kids lives

that she wasn't part of my friends and "ex" in-laws lives

Most of the time, I am NOT a complainer.

Most of my posts/articles are NOT those of complaints, right?

So when I do complain ...

Oh! It's gonna be about her for sure.

I'm guessing (hoping, wishing and praying really...) that in a couple short years, when the last two kids graduate from high school and become adults, "her" interaction in their daily lives will just about be eliminated, thus stamping out her "presence" in my life.

At that point, whatever "crap" she 'throws up' will splatter and fall on my ex-husbands ears ONLY (TEE HEE... I suppose that's "his" punishment)

The kids and I will no longer have to subject ourselves to her vomit of words.

But until then... "SHE" is the CONTRADICTION in MY world of happiness.

posted on Nov 12, 2008 4:17 AM ()


You remind me a lot of myself - I am generally a very happy person (just not loud .) I can't help but think when life is so perfect and so good, and then you have this mutated thorn in your side, that for some raeson or another it's meant to be there... to challenge you and help you grow in some way. As frustrating as her presence in your life may be, perhaps her constant hatefulness is just a reminder for you to fully appreciate your overabundance of happiness? Who really knows... but at least it seems you're handling this awful situation better than most people would.
comment by mellowdee on Nov 13, 2008 8:33 AM ()
They say that "heaven and hell" are found only on earth--in our lives. Believe it.
comment by solitaire on Nov 13, 2008 6:53 AM ()
Won't go into this "deep" here... but if you "listen" to my blogs, you'll see why I make an "Occasional" blog about "Busymidmich mom" (We are still married, but she won't divorce me). I don't hate her, but I know she still does what she can to #### me over... She always has. I'll constantly tell "truth", and ask for information to get this going. I don't think she has EVER denied a thing I said (Because all true), but I sure challenge her to try... She won't.... Debbie (BusyMichmom) hurts my children... Roxann's and our lives.. so I have absolute no problem saying anything about her. If she wants it over... lets do this divorce!

Take care, Gary
comment by coincutter on Nov 12, 2008 5:07 PM ()
"...unscramble her eggs." Even in your rant you have some sense of humor. Hang on to that.
comment by busymichmom on Nov 12, 2008 5:03 PM ()
I'm so not looking forward to when my ex's flings become more serious and quite possibly affect my kids the same way
comment by firststarisee on Nov 12, 2008 4:09 PM ()
Welcome to being a human
comment by grumpy on Nov 12, 2008 11:40 AM ()
You're going to hate me, Terri...but...

I don't believe in coincidences, as you know. There is some reason, beyond both of us, that this woman is in your life. She is teaching you something and likewise, you are teaching her something. It doesn't absolve her of her evil words and actions, at all. But it does lend purpose to an otherwise terrible situation.

Ack, who am I kidding? Just b*tch slap her.

comment by janetk on Nov 12, 2008 11:09 AM ()
I'm pretty sure her biggest hell is living with her own hatred.
comment by meranda on Nov 12, 2008 7:40 AM ()
Couple of things that have worked for me w/these kind of folks.
One is to pray for them...their stuff is a cry for Love. Not your personal love but a Higher Love. Next I see them in my mind and they usually are HUGE, so I shrink them down till a speck, then send that speck w/ Love way way far away for me. Releasing their "hold" on my emotions. Cutting cords, let them goooooo....
Blessing of regaining your power in all of this.
comment by anacoana on Nov 12, 2008 7:27 AM ()
comment by kristilyn3 on Nov 12, 2008 6:17 AM ()
Oh man Terri I am so sorry they are putting you and the kids through so much misery. People that make others miserable are miserable people themselves and it will come home to roost on them. Hang in there gal!(((((((HUGS)))))))

comment by texastar on Nov 12, 2008 4:22 AM ()

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