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That's All She Wrote

Parenting & Family > Divorce > Karma


Through the law of karma, the effects of all deeds actively create past, present, and future experiences, thus making one responsible for one's own life, and the pain and joy it brings to him/her and others.

Do you believe in Karma? I absolutely do.

I believe that you get what you give. You get "out" what you put "in".

Hate and negativity will beget hate and negativity.

Love and compassion will beget love and compassion.

I am still agitated about my ex husband and his wife blocking our oldest daughter's cell phone number from our middle daughter's cell phone. I think my hang up is that I simply can't believe they would do such an awful evil thing. I could "almost" accept it if the girls were going over their minutes talking to each other, or if Sara (middle daughter) was abusing her phone privileges, but that's not the case at all. The number's aren't blocked for practical reasons. They're blocked for hateful reasons.

Because our oldest daughter hasn't had a relationship with my ex husband in over four years, which includes no relationship with the grand baby, my ex husband and his wife would like nothing better than to disconnect our two youngest children from their older sister.

The whole drama is like a broken record.

My ex and his wife have spent YEARS trying to get people to stop liking me. They have wasted so much energy and never accomplished their dirty deed. In fact, the opposite has happened. Anyone "they" tried to BULLY into disconnecting from me is NOW disconnected from THEM.

They are CONSUMED with "sticking it to me."

But it's like the Wylie Coyote syndrome. You know that cartoon where the coyote would always try to "get" the road runner, but then always ended up "getting" it himself?

Every time they try to "get" me, they end up screwing themselves. And it appears to drive them absolutely insane that I'm so happy and basically unaffected by their ridiculous behavior.

I NEVER wish bad things on them. Quite the contrary. I pray for them often because I'm intelligent and mature enough to realize that "their" happiness would reflect positively on my children's lives.

And so...

being a compassionate person,

I am sorry that "they" are unable to have a baby between them.

I am sorry that my ex husband got laid off from his job.

I am sorry that "they" no longer have a relationship with our oldest daughter.

I am sorry that "they" have never had the indescribable immense pleasure of holding a grandchild in "their" arms.

I am sorry that "they" have lost the respect and friendship of some of "their" own family members.

I am sorry that "they" are married to each other.

But I believe...

That's KARMA.

posted on Nov 13, 2008 6:04 AM ()


I am a firm believer in "what comes around goes around". Unfortunately, it does seem that sometimes ya gotta wait for the good to come around, but I still believe that it does. I also believe the reverse is true. What one does to another that is wrong and negative will likely happen to the doer.
comment by busymichmom on Nov 13, 2008 8:52 PM ()
Good for you! It must be hard not to wish bad things on them, but if you did, then they would win. Not playing their game takes away their power.
comment by imaginaryfriend on Nov 13, 2008 5:09 PM ()
comment by thestephymore on Nov 13, 2008 3:17 PM ()
comment by elfie33 on Nov 13, 2008 12:31 PM ()
comment by fredo on Nov 13, 2008 9:52 AM ()
The faith will always be kept. Ack, you made me well up.
comment by mrsstu on Nov 13, 2008 9:52 AM ()
I completely agree. It's crazy when something seems so obvious, and yet they continue to repeat their hateful actions because they simply don't recognize that it will *always* backfire on them. Ridiculous.
comment by mellowdee on Nov 13, 2008 8:38 AM ()
I too am a firm believer in Karma...I have seen it so many times in my own life. Both good and bad unfortunately.
I try so hard to not wish bad on others...but it slips out from time to time. It is so difficult when people go out of their way to hurt you, or for them to try and show that they are 'in control' of you. To not wish ill on them.
I give you a tremendous amount of credit for being such a good person Terri.. I strive to achieve that in my own life.
Perhaps you have given me that special little push I need to be nice to EVERYONE...no matter what they do, or are trying to do to me.
I wish the best for you...you deserve all things good...
comment by sybilmariee on Nov 13, 2008 8:24 AM ()
You're right about the Karma thing... and I'm like you in that I really and truly don't wish harm or hateful things on others in my life who may have done just that to me... and yet I'm left to wonder when Karma will bite them in the as$ all while I keep getting sh*t on. It's hard to keep believing in Karma on days/weeks/months/years like this.
comment by mrsstu on Nov 13, 2008 7:55 AM ()
See previous post comments!
comment by solitaire on Nov 13, 2008 6:56 AM ()
comment by kristilyn3 on Nov 13, 2008 6:29 AM ()

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