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Mark Twain, What's Their Point?
Mark Twain, What's Their Point?
It was recently publicized that Mark Twain's "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" was going to be reedited, substituting the word slave for the n-word. My question if we allow this what is next? book burnings? I am ashamed of the direction this country has taken, we have developed into a country of over sensitive zealots. We're afraid to wish people "Merry Christmas", we do not want to offend those that are not religiously inclined. I've got an idea, why don't we reedit the bible..I am sure there is enough material in there to keep those nit-picking pc'ers busy for a few years. What people need to understand is the period in which these books were written, it's a history of where we were and the journey we have taken to get to this point. We have made progress in some areas, but we still have farther to go. But now we have become afraid to express our point of view, lest we are vilified..or even sued for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. With the the coming of the cell phone, Internet, and other recording devices we have become more guarded of our conversations or our opinions. This has even invaded the workplace, potential employers checking on-line the background of future employees. I do agree we need to be more sensitive toward our fellow man, but we do not need to go overboard. How many classics can you name that do not contain something in it's contents that doesn't offend someone? My question is are we trying to rewrite our history to make it more palatable, are we that concerned with our image as a country that we are willing to deny who we once were. I believe this is wrong, what we were is what make us what we are today..we should learn from it not hide from it.
posted on Jan 10, 2011 8:24 AM ()
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