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Arizona, First and Last Word
Arizona, First and Last Word
The tragic shooting was simply that tragic, but I have issues with the way it's being handled in the media. Yes innocent people were killed, unfortunate people who were in the wrong place at the wrong time. The killer a mentally unbalanced individual who let his hatred overrule any sense of decency or common sense he might of had. I am surprised that something hasn't happened by now, or more often. These "town hall" meetings have had their share of heated exchanges, people are anxious and frustrated with our political system and the direction this country is going in. It's a thin line between frustration and a random act of violence, especially considering the economic landscape. The mass media's coverage of this event has been saturated to the point to where I can't watch too much without turning the TV channel or off completely, especially the sub-stories. A 9 year girl was killed, she was born 9/11/01..have we been reduced to linking a event that happened 9 years ago to a tragedy that happened across the country, is this this going to make us want to put the shooter in the same category as those answer is no. I am not unfeeling or uncaring toward the situation in Arizona, but I am not in favor of giving a lunatic any added publicity for the crime he committed. Personally I'd like to take his soapbox and hit him over the head with it. This person flew under the radar in life, until he made a decision to act on whatever rage he had contained in his soul. Now 6 people are dead, people who had lives and friends and family that loved and cared for them. All of that in the blink of an eye, let us mourn the loss..but lets not give this nut any additional publicity.
posted on Jan 10, 2011 7:54 AM ()
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