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JFK and the Black Day
JFK and the Black Day
I was only 5 years old when President Kennedy was assassinated, too young to understand the implications that this moment in time had. All I knew is was school was canceled for the rest of the week, and it time off from learning. Looking back at that time now it probably one of the few times that our country came together to grieve as one. We gathered around the tv for the next 4 days and watched the sad events transpire, though the pictures were in black and white and grainy we still could feel the horror. pain and sadness. The closest modern day event that I could compare it with would be the events of 9/11, where despite age, race, religion we joined ranks to comfort each other to get through a difficult situation. This was a moment in time when you ask a person "do you remember where you were when you heard the news"..and the person if they were of that age group will..just as 9/11. 47 years later and so much has changed, there are no more Kennedy brothers or Camelot..just memories of a time when we were a different society, better off?? Yes, no, maybe. Have we progressed or alienated ourselves from each other via Internet?? Finally have we learned from history, or are we just repeating mistakes made from our past.
posted on Nov 22, 2010 12:20 PM ()
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