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The Front Porch Gazette

Life & Events > No Equality in Life

No Equality in Life

"What goes around comes around", we've heard that saying time and time again..but how often does it ever happen? To my way of thinking it doesn't happen all that often, and it doesn't usually mean that much because of the time that has passed. I learned a long time ago that "life is not fair", I think as a child it's one of the first lessons you learn..after the one about how you're not suppose to stick your tongue on anything frozen. Just as important a lesson, but it took me longer to learn was "bad things happen to good people". The reason I bring this up was the story in the news about Elizabeth Edwards putting a halt to her cancer treatments, because it has determined by her doctors that future treatments would be pointless and an effort in futility. In other words Elizabeth Edwards time has come, a life that has seen a lot of highs and lows...mostly lows as of late will painfully and prematurely come to an end. Even though in the last few years her life has resembled a 20 vehicle pile-up on the Mass. Turnpike, she has handled all the upheaval with a certain amount of grace and dignity. I doubt there are many that could keep themselves from blaming God and everyone else for where they have ended up. But Elizabeth Edwards has surrounded herself with the love and warmth of friends and family, using as a blanket to protect herself from the harsh realities that are facing her. There is still a part of me as an adult that doesn't understand that "life isn't fair"..and it'll probably be that way until my time has come, and passed. But sometimes I'd like to think that God shows us lessons like this to maybe give us a greater appreciation for what we have in our lives, whether it be material goods..or the people we share our lives that still love and care for us no matter what we've done or what we have. I can think of no greater lesson that we can learn this holiday season, sharing what we have..whether it be material or maybe something as simple as a kind word. I know it's early but I'd like to use this time to wish all my "MyBloggers" family a Merry Christmas, know that you are in my thoughts and in my heart..not only at this time but throughout the year.

posted on Dec 7, 2010 8:32 AM ()


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you, too, Tim. It's always good to hear from you.
comment by troutbend on Dec 19, 2010 5:27 PM ()
While I have sympathy for those that suffer or are involved in a tragedy in one way or another, bringing god into the equation isn't the answer to the "why" question. "#### just happens", period. That's life.
Merry Christmas to you too, Tim.
comment by solitaire on Dec 14, 2010 7:03 AM ()
Yeah I can't imagine holding it together with all she went through. I really can't. She was a strong woman! I just hope she's in a wonderful place right now. As far as what goes around comes around, well, I have two stories for ya. ONE: POOP karma! I didn't pick up Kraymers poop one day and stepped in poop twice shortly thereafter. Poop karma. Believe. TWO: gum karma! I spit out my gum in a place people might step in it (not a high traffic area but a possibility) I stepped in gum a few days later. Soooo I kinda believe what goes around comes around.
But I also think bad things happen to good people. I don't understand it and I certainly don't like it....
Hope all is well with you and Merry Christmas!
comment by kristilyn3 on Dec 7, 2010 7:47 PM ()
Elizabeth Edwards is a true "Steel Magnolia". She is a very strong, gracious lady who does not deserve what life has doled out to her. The loss of her son, the loss of her husband (although that is not much of a loss to my way of thinking) and now the coin has flipped and her surviving children are losing her. We could all learn from Mrs. Edwards.
comment by gapeach on Dec 7, 2010 11:07 AM ()
Sad to hear about this.
comment by fredo on Dec 7, 2010 10:27 AM ()
Life really isn't fair, as I have learned in my life too. I feel empathy and sadness for Elizabeth; she had to bear an awfully lot, and was denied even the dignity of suffering privately. Her suffering played out on a world stage. But, as you say, perhaps there is a lesson there for all of us.
comment by redimpala on Dec 7, 2010 9:03 AM ()
It doesn't say that 'what goes round comes round' in this lifetime and in the hereafter but I truly believe it does.

I feel sorry for Elizabeth but I have been dealing with 'life isn't fair, deaths for too long now to ask 'why her?' Not that I haven't lost compassion or empathy but I have to keep it for those I know.
comment by greatmartin on Dec 7, 2010 8:53 AM ()

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