It's too early in the day for a witty comment from me so I'll just say I hope you and yours had a lovely Christmas (with lots of W&Ws in your stocking)and that you have a healthy, happy and successful year ahead.
So if I by a pair of BOGO and a half shoes and Don buys a pair of BOGO and a half shoes we'd end up with 5 pairs of shoes? Of course, he would have to get the match to my half so I'd have 3 new pairs of shoes. Sounds good to me. Don't get me wrong. I'm not a greedy person. I'd let him have my half baked potato.
Your experience has definitely put me off taking a cruise. Sorry you didn't have a good time.
Maybe she has the same Oneida set and lost 3 of her forks? Don has bought me 2 $500.00+ vacuums (1 for upstairs and 1 for downstairs) but I would rather have a robot vacuum.
No make up and ill fitting clothing will age a woman considerably and I suspect these old decaying photographs don't help. I have a photo of my maternal grandmother at age 26 (1926) and she looks more like 62. Beside her sits her mother who, with her black hair and unibrow, looks like a swarthy man. At 67 you are considered, by the younger generation, to be older than dirt.
I've seen these before but they are well worth reading again.
I love it!
I hate to say it but I think Martin has a point. I also think $hitty is one very lazy feline.
Is this a recent condition or have you always been indecisive? I always hated shopping with my mother. She would stand humming and hawing over everything. New shoes: They fit well. They look nice but the price is a bit high. Bananas: Good size. Nice and ripe but will they get eaten before they go bad. The bad news is it's hereditary. One of my kids is the same way.
Rat I’m the house? I’d be up on the table screaming my lungs out. I think you’re very brave.
I’m not fussy. Maid or robotics is fine with me. Just so long as I don’t have to do it.
Just joking about the waxing....very painful procedure. Pouring buckets of rain on this wet/west coast, as usual.
Have you considered waxing?
Just tweak the naughty words like so; azzwhole
I WANT ONE! Where can I get it? Sounds like just the think for someone with essential tremor and a love for Green Giant's canned corn aka me.