I never thought much about them. I know they do a lot of good things for people who are down on their luck, children who don't have enough to wear or a new toy at Christmas. They feed people, clothe people, give a pair of warm socks to every person in jail on Christmas Day. They give and give and give and give of themselves. We usually don't hear much about them except for the ringing of the bells at Christmas. Some businesses have stopped allowing this tradition. Scrooges! That bell ringing has been part of my Christmas for as long as I can remember.
Now to the good part! I live in a small town in North West Georgia. We have a few things that have caused us to make national news and it is usually something bad. Isnt' that the way it usually goes?
Well...last week a man approached the bell ringer, paused and stuffed a few dollars into the bucket. He seemed to have problems getting the bills into the slot all at once but he finally managed. He mumbled something to the ringer person about having a good Christmas and got into his car and drove off. You would not look twice at this man. He was just like any other person in our area. Normal. Not flashy. His car was older and ordinary.
At the end of the day when they were tallying up the day's offerings something wonderful and magical happened! This man had put 43 one hundred dollar bills in the kettle! $4300!!! That will feed a lot of people and help a lot of children. Wow!
That is not the end of the story! Three days after this story hit the local news another secret Santa hit the same store. This time is was 23 one hundred dollar bills! $2300! But this time there was a note attached. To sum it up, the note said he was sorry he couldn't match the other person's contribution but he hoped this would start the ball rolling for people to give what they could to help others. This donation also was given without anyone knowing who it was.
A little N.Ga town Walmart has had a visit from two very special people. What a wonderful Christmas gift!
Makes me want to give more than that extra dollar or handful of change. Wish I could match their contributions, too.
I just wanted to share this wonderful story with you and hope you get a "warm fuzzy" feeling that all is not bad in this world and there are some people who truly know the meaning of Christmas!

Mz Scarlett