Scarlett O'Dawg


Scarlett O'Dawg
Chattanooga, TN
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Going With The Wind

Life & Events > Happenings in the Life of a Southern Belle

Happenings in the Life of a Southern Belle

Here is an update on my trip to Peru. (Thanks to those who asked). First of all, what was a delicate flower such as myself thinking?? Peru? Arent they just a little south of Georgia? Yep! Several lifetimes away from my cozy nest in the lovely hills of North Georgia.  I boarded a plane in Atlanta and left the runway at 0950 on a Friday morning. Via Mexico Cith, Lima, and on to Arequipa. We landed at 0630 Saturday morning. I stepped off the plane and thought I was on another planet.  I never dreamed what a life changing experience I was about to encounter.
I went with a group called Medical Missions Outreach based in Ohio. There were 22 of us from all over the USA.  We provided a medical clinic for those wonderful, kind, sweet people who never have a chance to run off to Wal-Mart and grab some vitamins for their children. (Walmart has not invaded this area of the world!) They have little or no medical care because they are poor, the doctors were on strike, the teachers were on strike, and life is much simpler.  What was normal to them was out of my mind's comception.  No hot showers? No roads without giant potholes? No traffic lights? This Princess came home with a grateful heart.  The only problem was I left part of my heart down there!  We treated over 1800 people and fitted glasses for 2000 people in only 4 days. Oh yes, we were super busy.  It was touching to see a man put on a pair of glasses and truly see for the first time. 
We did some sight seeing and I learned to eat rice and potatos with every meal. A real delicacy there is Guinea Pig. Deep fried and placed on a bed of rice with steamed onions and lima beans. OK...I did take a bite of the Guinea Pig. No, it doesn't taste like chicken! It tastes like squirrel. (Remember, I'm a Southern Belle whose Daddy went huntin' and killed squirrels. Mama would fry them up and serve with buiscuits & gravey! Yummm!)
We saw amazingly beautiful Cathredals, plazas that would astound you, Burger King & Pizza Hut & KFC! We shopped in the market and saw animal parts that would make you tilt your head to one side and think, "Hmmmm?". We also had the best frest mangos, pineapple, and other fruits ever tasted! I bought alpaca yarn and hope to make something to remind me of the sweet little animals. Maybe a scarf to wrap around my neck to keep me warm in the winter?
We could not drink the water or even brush our teeth with it.  Bottled water was our favorite commodity!
As the plane lifted from the tarmac in Arequipa, my heart was saddened to leave such a wonderful experience. The people were warm and loving. They had prepared for a year for our visit.  Such selfish Americans we are. I complain if I have to wait an hour in a doctor's clean office to be seen.  My heart will forever be changed because of this trip.
By the way...the first thing I did when I got home was stand in a hot shower for a very long time! I have hundreds of photos, but the real rememberance is nestled deep in my heart. I can still feel the kiss on my hand by a weathered man who appeared much older than his stated age. I can still feel the hugs of the women who were so grateful to get the medication for their children.  I can still see the beauty of the Andes mountains wearing their snow caps as I stood in 70 degree weather and looked up at them from the dry volcanic dirt road.
I am already thinking of another trip this year. There is a little village in the north western part of Romania that seems to be calling my heart to come there in October.  I wonder if they would like to see this American Southern Belle and steal a little piece of her heart, too?
Mz Scarlett...oh so grateful for being an American! With all our warts, we are still the best country on Earth.

posted on Feb 23, 2013 8:04 AM ()


You tell your story so well! Thank you for sharing and for doing the work. You are such a generous, loving woman.
comment by catdancer on Mar 1, 2013 7:10 PM ()
you tell the story so well, I felt I was there with you. We do take our way of life for granted. What an amazing adventure for you mz. scarlett!
comment by elkhound on Feb 25, 2013 3:50 AM ()
Is it me or is the font size a 6???? LOL Sorry, having been to Peru I would have loved to have read it but too small a print.
comment by greatmartin on Feb 24, 2013 10:59 AM ()
sorry...I forgot to change the font size. I went to Arequipa, Peru. This is about 600 miles south of Lima. We went on a Medical Mission Clinic. It was an amazing adventure! If I could figure out how to change the font, I would. Do you have any ideas for me? I've been off MyBloggers so long I forgot how to change a post. Thanks!
reply by mzscarlett on Feb 24, 2013 11:12 AM ()
Post some pictures, please. We truly don't know how to be grateful for
what we have.
comment by elderjane on Feb 23, 2013 8:35 AM ()
I have a new computer and have to figure out how to get my pictures on here! I'll post as soon as I figure this out. May have to enlist the help of my 11 year old grand daughter!
reply by mzscarlett on Feb 24, 2013 11:13 AM ()

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