Scarlett O'Dawg


Scarlett O'Dawg
Chattanooga, TN
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Going With The Wind

Life & Events > Wednesday Mornings and Dogwood Trees in My World

Wednesday Mornings and Dogwood Trees in My World

Wednesday. The middle of the week for those of us who still find it necessary to work. OK, maybe not necessary just to pay bills, but also necessary to remain in some sense of mental health.  I cannot imagine NOT working.  I don't consider what I do as work. I have a wonderful staff, we have the best patients, and I get to wear the closest thing to pajamas! Scrubs are soft and comfortable. My shoes are clogs and can often be found slipped beneath my desk when I'm not out and about in the hospital chasing rabbits. Still, I look forward to Wednesdays because it means I only have to show up for two more days.  
I am fortunate to have the weekends off to spend with Hubby, the two spoiled chihuahuas and sometimes out kids and grandgirls!  It is still cold in North Georgia so I have to stay inside or go to the mall or enjoy some time by the fireplace knitting/reading/playing on the Galaxy pad. Very soon the little tips will beging to break through the earth and let me know Spring is arriving! The apple and pear trees will have little knots on the branches that hold promise of fruit later in the summer.  Of course the dogwood will burst forth in full bloom! We have a very old, large tree in our front yard. I can always tell the season by looking out the window of that old tree.  Early, the blooms are brilliant white and causes the birds to go crazy building homes in the branches.  Mid season the leaves are green and the blooms have shed making the ground beneath look like snow.  Later when Autumn is sneaking in the leaves turn a brilliant copper/red.  During winter the limbs are bare and make a lovely sillouite against the brilliant blue sky.  I guess Wednesdays are the green leaves of the dogwood.  Sort of inbetween, but still good.  I'm thankful for my old dogwood tree and I'm thankful I have a job that gives me pleasure plus a paycheck!  Have a wonderful Wednesday, ya'll!
Mz. Scarlett heading off to save lives and make a difference in the world. Or just catch up on some overdue paperwork.  Whatever.

posted on Feb 27, 2013 5:09 AM ()


Glad to hear from you. I envy your early spring - we're still getting lots of snow.
comment by catdancer on Mar 1, 2013 7:05 PM ()
I know what you mean about enjoying work. I always looked forward to what each new day would bring, it was like a card game - what hand will I be dealt today?
comment by troutbend on Feb 27, 2013 7:14 PM ()

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