Scarlett O'Dawg


Scarlett O'Dawg
Chattanooga, TN
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Going With The Wind

Life & Events > Another Dawg

Another Dawg

 Another dog has crossed the "Rainbow Bridge" to join countless other pets who wait for their beloved owners.  This was not just another dog. This was the beloved mascot for the University of Georgia.  This was the beloved pet of Sonny and Cecilia Seiler.  This dog was a DAWG. 
His ancestors have graced the field at Sanford Stadium for 54 years and each one has come from the Seiler family pets.  They don't just breed dogs, they give life to a special kind of dog. One that may look ugly to some, beautiful to others. A dog that is short, squat of stature and has just a bit of a curl for a tail. They are loyal, fiercely in love with their families and are a joy to have around. They slobber and grunt and snore. But you will have to look far to find a better dog for a family pet.  Each one from the first to be called "UGA" to the one known as "UGA VII" has shown class and lead the DawgNation in spirit and courage.
Teams have mascots for a purpose. To show their spirit, pride and give an example of what they stand for as a team.  Bulldogs are a fine example of courage, strength, loyalty and tenacity.
UGA has been to New York and wore a tuxedo when Hershel Walker accepted the Heisman Trophy.  UGA was in the movie "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil" and won the heart and respect of Clint Eastwood.  UGA travels first class wherever he goes and always is a first class gentleman.  UGA lets children touch his ears and ladies kiss his wrinkled brow.  UGA is a special title for a special dog. 
There are now seven resting in honor at the end of Sanford Stadium.  Number VIII is somewhere waiting for his turn to put on the jersey, collar and leash and run proudly out the gait in front of a bunch of college guys wearing the proud colors of the University.  He will be a solid white, short, stocky, slobber-slinging hunk of love that will have some big paws to fill.
As a Georgia DAWG...I bow my head in honor of all the mighty dogs who have lived up to the title of "UGA". 
Someone once wrote about UGA: He's a damn good dog.
Yes he was, yes he will be.  A damn good dog!
Mz Scarlett...wearing red and black with honor!


posted on Nov 21, 2009 3:08 PM ()

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