Scarlett O'Dawg


Scarlett O'Dawg
Chattanooga, TN
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Going With The Wind

Life & Events > PC ... or Not to PC

PC ... or Not to PC

Political correctness (adjectivally, politically correct; both forms commonly abbreviated to PC) is a term denoting language, ideas, policies, and behavior seen as seeking to minimize social offense in gender, racial, cultural, sexual orientation, handicap, and age-related contexts. In current usage, the terms are almost exclusively pejorative, connoting “intolerant” and “intolerance” [1][2] whilst the usage politically incorrect, denotes an implicitly positive self-description. Examples include the conservative Politically Incorrect Guides published by the Regnery editorial house, [3] and the television talk show Politically Incorrect. Thus, “politically incorrect” denotes language, ideas, and behavior, unconstrained by orthodoxy and the fear of giving offense. I go on another soap box rant.  The above was copied from a 'reputable' source so I guess the definition is correct.
I was taught by my parents that we were all created equal by a Supreme Being called God. I was taught to respect my elders, those in authority and those who deserved it.  I was also taught that no matter what the color of a person's skin, no matter what their beliefs were, no matter if they were poles apart from me...I was to respect their God-given right to be who they were.
I have friends who have different skin color as mine. the Summer I'm darker than in the paleness of Winter!  I have friends who are of different religious beliefs from mine. We get along.  We talk and I learn a lot from them. Maybe they learn someting from me! I have dear friends who are Gay.  One of my best friends is handicapped and depends on a wheelchair for transportation. When she calls me, her greeting is ,"Hey Girl! It's your one-legged Sister!"  Is she being NON-PC on herself? Should I speak to her about that? No. Instead I just go to her house and enjoy one of the best Reuben sandwiches in the world and tell her I'm glad it was her leg she lost and not her cooking hand! We even make jokes. 
I am a female (long list of names there!), Southern (even longer list of names there!), college educated professional person.  I do not need a "politically correct" title.  Hell's Bells...just call me Carolyn (or Mz Scarlett, or Dawgnurse, or just call me for dinner!).  I don't give a rat's ass what name you give me.  If I don't like it, you are not part of my world.  I go on about my business and leave you alone to irritate some one else who is much weaker in the mind and spirit and will whimper and cry and complain.
To think someone was given UNITED STATES OF AMERICA MILITARY promotions because some lily-livered piece of crap was worried about being "PC" makes me sick to my stomach.  Why was this person not given the promotions due to his service, his abilities, his performance that met the requirements to attain higher rank?  This man was not willing to give his life for the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA but instead took the lives of 13 American citizens who were simply doing their jobs.  My blood did a quick boil when I read that he was given promotions with a 'wink and nod' because no on wanted to offend him. (I had visions of my Mama and Daddy reminding me that a lady doesn't use certain words, but I surely could let out a stream of profanity that would turn the air blue...but I won't.)
I'm glad he didn't die because I want him to stand trial.  I'm glad I was not his nurse because I have an oath to uphold.  I would have had to request a different assignment than to care for him because I'm afraid what temptations would come my way.
I want him to be tried in Texas after the so called military trial is over. I want him to have a civilian trial in a state that is not afraid to carry out the sentence that is given.
I am a God-fearing, married to a male, professional female who has the right to voice her opinions because men and women in the past generations were not afraid to stand their ground and fight for my freedom.
I am not afraid to say "God Bless America"...however I think "God, please forgive America" might be a better choice of words.
PC? Why?  If we just obey the Golden Rule we will all be PC without the other crap that has been added to it. Treat others as you would like to be treated.  Sounds like a peaceful agreement if you ask me (which by the way no one has). 
This rant/rave provided to you by a Honky-Rebel-Nurse-Wife-Mother-Sister-heterosexual person who has a bark much worse than her bite...usually.
If I like you, it is because of who you are in your heart and that you allow me to be your friend.  If I don't like you, it is because you have given me a darn good reason that could not be worked out and I no longer consider you part of my world and you rejected my friendship. Simple as that.
I forgot to mention I even have friends whom I love that are Tennessee fans.  Now that, my dear blog readers, goes waaaaayyyyyy beyond PC!
Mz Scarlett...stepping down from the soap box now.

posted on Nov 13, 2009 10:59 AM ()

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