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Life & Events > Boring > Work, Cake & More Gas

Work, Cake & More Gas

Here it is 10:30 in the morning and I am done with my work.  This is a problem wherever I work.  I always do things fast.  If it's in my inbox, it's taken care of immediately and I end up finished with projects way before they are due.  You would think this is a good thing but it's not.  I ask my manager to give me more to do but since he has worked here for over 20 years, he thinks my workload is heavy as it is.  So I get to sit here the rest of the day 'pretending' to work so I don't look like a slacker.  Drives me nuts!


My weekend was good.  Both my oldest daughter and my son have the same birthday so we celebrated Saturday by taking them shopping to buy their presents and then having a BBQ and cake and ice cream.  Let me tell you something.  When you've been on Weight Watchers for months, a chocolate cake with whip cream icing and vanilla bean ice cream is the BEST thing you've ever tasted!!! Damn it was good.  I had to make my daughter take it with her when she left or I would have eaten the whole thing.
Weigh in is today so hopefully it didn't mess me up too bad.

We got some great weather the past few days so we did a little yard work yesterday.  GF was mowing the lawn and needed gas so I headed down to the station with a little 2 1/2 gallon tank and spent almost $7.00 to fill it.  She filled the mower and about 10 minutes later she said a girl driving by stopped and said her truck had run out of gas.  So GF gave her what was left in the tank and was told by the girl that she would be back to give her $5.00 to repay her for the gas. 

Yeah right.  Never saw her again.  So now, if you don't want to steal gas from a station, steal it from siphoning out of cars in the middle of the night, just drive around and look for someone mowing a lawn.  They always have a few gallons to con. 

It always amazes me how totally inconsiderate some people can be.  Is it me or are people these days selfish, rude and uncompassionate? I would never ever take something from someone and not repay them.  Not that a little gas is going to break the bank but I guess I just can't see how someone would not return to pay back a stranger who helped them out. 

Well back to work - or at least the facade of work.

posted on Apr 29, 2008 10:18 AM ()


There's this famous story about a taxi driver that my Mom always tells me when I get discouraged with the human race as a general whole (and remember, I work in retail so this happens quite a bit!). Anyway, the cab driver said that ninety percent of people are good eggs...treat people well, speak politely and are overall nice to be around. The other ten percent are pure a**holes. So why do we only remember the ten percent?
comment by janetk on May 1, 2008 1:23 PM ()
People never fail to amaze me. I am tired of everyone else in the world thinking that their time is more important than mine or just because they dress better automatically allows them to trump me. I think you're right about people in general being selfish. I would've refilled your can for you at least. Karma will schedule a coffee break for the little chicka one day.
comment by walkwithgrace on Apr 30, 2008 9:37 PM ()
Get horses. We let them out on the lawn most summer afternoons, and they pretty much take care of things. I mowed the lawn three times last year. They even do a better job trimming than I do too!
comment by hayduke on Apr 30, 2008 9:07 AM ()
You could come down this way and help me file...I'll never catch up, I hate to file..
comment by elfie33 on Apr 30, 2008 8:56 AM ()
Brutal!! Time to revert to the old fashioned mowers.
comment by mellowdee on Apr 29, 2008 1:09 PM ()
Man! It's expensive to mow your lawn at this point! I asked my hubby yesterday about getting a gas cap lock for the cars and he agreed
comment by teacherwoman on Apr 29, 2008 12:08 PM ()
I am afraid that the human race does have a sorry lot! I get angry every time that I go to buy groceries. Some drivers and shoppers have to be the rudest and most inconsiderate people in the human race!
comment by angiedw on Apr 29, 2008 12:04 PM ()

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