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Life & Events > Relationships > Don't Marry Someone You Can Live With

Don't Marry Someone You Can Live With

“Don't marry someone you can live with… marry someone you cannot live without.”

*** *** ***

Yesterday J n’ I finally booked a place to hold our reception after we return from our elopement. (I still haven’t figured this out yet – is it considered eloping if everyone knows about it, but no one is invited?) We were originally planning on having a simple outdoor reception, but late September weather can be unpredictable, and I quickly learned that renting a freakin' tent is twice as expensive as renting a venue along the waterfront. Seriously! I was shocked. Anyhow, it felt wonderful to find a place to hold it, and have another item checked off our endless to-do list.

With that nonsense out of the way, today I decided to browse around online to see if there are any cheap wedding favours that I could order. I figure since some guests are going to be flying all the way out from Ontario, and we’re not even serving them a full meal -- just some light finger foods -- the least we could do is give them some little token doo-dad they can take back.
Most of the crap I've found online is well... just that... crap. Nothing was really striking my fancy. A couple years ago, my cousin gave out purple pens at her wedding with their names and wedding date on that. I thought that was pretty cool as it was something useful... until it rolled under my car seat and then I accidentally stepped on it and broke it in half. That kinda sucked. I liked that purple pen. But yeah... I haven't found any pens online... just mints, novelty candles, and other tchotchke junk.
Anyhow, while surfing I stumbled across these customizable fortune cookies. You can write up to five different fortunes that you want to appear inside. The website gave a few suggestions based on things that others have written, and that line really resonated with me:

“Don't marry someone you can live with… marry someone you cannot live without.”
Gawd, that is SO true, isn’t it?

Now, I am not going to get on a high horse here, (alright... well, it’s my blog, so maybe I will), but I have to say that I honestly know far more couples who are together just because it was convenient, than those who when I look at them I can't help but think, "Man, they are *so* meant to be together." Like one of my favourite lines in one of my all-time favourite movies, Forrest Gump, "Jenny n' I were like peas and carrots." I think there's a real shortage of peas and carrots in the world... and all I'm constantly seeing is a whole lotta freezer-burned brussle sprouts and beets.
Now, I realize that the years can sometimes change things... fair enough. But honestly, if you think of all the folks you know, how many of them are in lukewarm relationships versus soulmate relationships. And how many of them actually know the difference? Everyone else can see it... but can they? Who really knows how far the rabbit hole of love really goes. Love comes in all shapes and sizes, and sometimes what we think is real love, we later learn that it was really not... or at least it was not as intense or pure.
I thought I was in love once, and now looking back, I know that I wasn't. Because the love I had, and the love I've got simply don't come anywhere close in comparison. It might've been love (or perhaps merely lust) at one time, but I think I eventually taught myself that I had to love that person because I believed that no one else would have the patience to put up with him or love him like I did. How sick (and not to mention arrogant) is that?! I felt as if it was my duty to love him, through thick and thin, no matter what b.s. I had to deal with on a daily basis. Afterall, I rationalized, it wasn't like he was abusive at all... he was just an asshole to me and well, pretty much everyone else he was close to.

Finally, enough was enough and we went our separate ways. He learned a few lessons about himself and so did I. He became a better person, and I like to think that I did too. We couldn't grow as individuals until we had grown apart. Instead we had wasted all those years in a stagnant mode of settling for what we had -- what we thought was supposed to be love -- when really we both knew that there had to be something more... something better out there.
Of course, I have to admit that it was relatively easy for me to move onwards and upwards after that relationship. We weren't married and we didn't have kids. We just had six years of CDs
and some second hand furniture to divy up. Oh yeah, and our cat who we had recently adopted... but since I was staying in the house, the cat stayed with me.
After that, I remember telling myself that I would *never* settle ever again. And fortunately, I haven't had to. J exceeds my expectations for what I was looking for in more ways than I could've ever imagined.

posted on June 13, 2008 7:09 PM ()


I'm so glad you found the man you can't live without in J. A marriage has a much better chance of survival that way! I'm sorry to read about your future sil. That is difficult and also why I got married. 25 and that was my goal. I wish them luck and a common bond! I would love to get that fortune in my cookie! Matthew McConeghey would be better but he wouldn't fit
comment by frogfenatic on June 22, 2008 9:19 AM ()
Go with the fortune cookies...they sound cool.The rest of this post...well, I certainly needed to read it.So, thanks.
comment by janetk on June 19, 2008 5:58 AM ()
wow... it certainly does sound like an interesting relationship!
I was with an exact opposite and all he did was drive me insane. Now I am with R, we aren't identical in the least but we do have a lot in common and man, it just makes life easier!!! Ya never know tho - everyone is different...
And this:
"I eventually taught myself that I had to love that person because I believed that no one else would have the patience to put up with him or love him like I did."
I thought something soooo similiar of an abusive guy I dated for about a year. So strange!!!
comment by kristilyn3 on June 16, 2008 1:39 PM ()
Wow... wow... wow... wow!!!
That post SPOKE to me. I was just telling my 15 year old daughter in the car today to choose her husband wisely. Don't settle. Pick someone who makes you laugh and who can laugh at himself etc. My first marriage was of convenience. We dated for three years and it just seemed natural to then get married and then seemed natural to have children, etc...

But like you stated, the love I have now tells me that I did not have love with the first husband. I stayed because I just did.

My husband Mark is someone I could never live without.
comment by shesaidwhat on June 16, 2008 12:48 PM ()
I love the fortune cookies, could you put them on the tables as little give aways? A friend of mine had little candles that had their names on them, they were tied together with lace. That was cute...but not sure how much they cost. Pens are great, everybody likes pens.
Not sure what to say about your brother and his just never know what keeps people together. All you can do is wish them luck...and hope for the best.
comment by elfie33 on June 14, 2008 10:57 AM ()
Sounds like they will be starting off with two strikes against them. Guess all one can do is keep his fingers crossed.
comment by redimpala on June 14, 2008 10:27 AM ()

A great place to design and order "wedding pens" that way you can use your theme colors and pick a cool style, and personalize them
comment by ducky on June 14, 2008 9:21 AM ()
Sounds like sage advice
comment by thepirateinthecity on June 14, 2008 8:12 AM ()
Too late for me now.This is my marriage with my wife.
Should have never married her,but screwed up.
Now Mike and I are happily together.
It will be 35 yrs this coming Nov.
Of course not sure how he feels about this.
comment by fredo on June 14, 2008 6:46 AM ()
so true
comment by firststarisee on June 13, 2008 9:04 PM ()
I absolutely agree with you about bro & gf. I wish them the best though, hopefully they'll be able to pull it together & keep it there soon. Having some things in common is a total positive in a marriage. I can't imagine not having that.....

I eloped & everyone knew too lol...I love that you're looking for wedding momentos to share. That's a cool idea! I'm VERY happy for you that you've found your Mr Can't Live Without!! All the best to the both of you!!!
comment by dkelly on June 13, 2008 8:20 PM ()
One never knows how a couple will end up--together or apart--I question a relationship between two of my friends who will celebrate their 50th anniversary--they are as different as apples and oranges (I don't believe I am going to say this!!)but I guess both being fruit gave thema basis to build on.
Hopefully it will work out but if they don't get the money arguments settled they will have problems.
Meanwhile, (did I miss it?)what dodad did you decide on?? The fortune cookies??
comment by greatmartin on June 13, 2008 8:03 PM ()

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