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Jobs & Careers > The Job That Wasn't Worth it - Part Two

The Job That Wasn't Worth it - Part Two

Even though I was only there for a week, I heard and saw enough to make a pretty qualified decision to leave.

I was told about Beetlejuice included that he was far too stupid to run such a successful business without some outside help. With the success of the first restaurant, he opened a second one about 10 years back. I was open for a year or two, and seemed to be doing very well. Then one day, Beetlejuice landed in the hospital for a week with broken ribs, a bruised up face, and other complications. Apparently, he "fell in his garden". The second restaurant immediately closed. The rumour was the Beetlejuice didn't pay his bills on time.

A day or so after I heard this story, an adorable old man, who appeared to be about 150, came in. Let's call him Mo. Everyone knew him and shook his hand, making friendly small chat. I was introduced. He seemed super sweet and like someone of importance. I thought he might be Beetlejuice's grandfather or something. He ate and drank for free, as others fawned around him. I asked one of the girls who he was.

"Oh him? He's just an old drug dealer."

Say what?!

It seemed too crazy to be true, so I asked another girl to confirm. Her eyebrows raised. She gently shushed me, and asked who told me that. I listened in as she went over to the other gal and said, "Don't be giving the scoop about the poop."

The first girl asked, "About what?"


"Oh, I don't care..." she said flippantly.

"No, but she's new. You could get her in a lot of trouble."

The first girl waved it off, and headed to serve her tables.

Reality was hitting pretty hard and quick as I recognized that Mo wasn't the only character who came in and ate for free. The more I opened my eyes, the more I noticed the types of characters Beetlejuice lunched with. Y'know those stereotypical Italian restaurants you see in the movies? Yup. 100%.

After work, I walked across town and applied for a job with a vapour lounge. I knew I had an advantage, because I had the unique experience of working at Cannabis Culture in Vancouver - the hub of anti-prohibition activism in Canada - and had been given glowing references from the Princess of Pot & Marijuana Man. (I realize my activism experience will require a new post in itself. But that will have to come another day.) Happily, I was hired at the lounge the next morning. (FYI, I no longer work at the lounge either... In a nutshell, Toronto and Vancouver are very different cities. Plus, it was too dark and clubby, and I didn't like getting home after the subways closed.)

Anyway, after I secured a new job, that weekend I returned home to gather our stuff and les chats from my sister's place. From there, I called in and gave my resignation. The manager was kind, as I'm sure it wasn't the first time someone left after only a week.

Contrary to popular believe, despite my sweetness, I do have thick skin. Even so, life is too short to work with toxic people! Take your "great tips"... I prefer my sanity, thanks.

posted on May 2, 2013 7:39 AM ()


Whoah! Quite the adventures...
comment by kristilyn3 on May 21, 2013 9:41 AM ()
I am glad you have found a good, temporary slot.
comment by elderjane on May 3, 2013 2:30 PM ()
Me too.
reply by mellowdee on May 5, 2013 8:34 PM ()
glad you got out of there! sounds like a very scary place
comment by elkhound on May 2, 2013 4:39 PM ()
It was brutal. No amount of money is worth that sort of b.s. Much happier at the lil' cafe I'm working now, where my co-workers are beautiful inside and out.
reply by mellowdee on May 3, 2013 8:18 AM ()
very interesting there. I loved the story and yes the old coop was a poop.
We just heard about an 87 years old man selling drugs and many handgun and rifles.
Do not let the old man fool you.They are charming like me.kidding I am.You did right there.Hope you will find solace somewhere.
comment by fredo on May 2, 2013 12:45 PM ()
It's true. Never judge a book by it's cover - they're not all charmers like you!I am working at a little cafe near by place now, and much happier there! Someday I'll find something in my field, but until then, this works.
reply by mellowdee on May 3, 2013 8:20 AM ()

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