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Life & Events > Saint Mellowdee of Patience

Saint Mellowdee of Patience

In my early 20’s, I worked at a pub called Jersey’s that was exactly like Cheers.  It was a place where everybody knew your name – only we had a more expanded cast of characters who always sat up around the horseshoe-shaped bar. One of the ten billion reasons I moved out to BC was because I loved working at Jersey’s so much, and I knew I would probably never leave unless I actually forced myself to. I was just too comfortable.  I could’ve easily worked there forever…as long as I didn’t have to work on Saturday nights.


Actually, I shouldn’t say I didn’t enjoy working on Saturdays, it was just a different sort of energy because it was karaoke night. A whole new crowd would come crawling out of the woodwork -- gathering early and staying late. They would sing off-key, nurse their drinks, and tip poorly. It was always a great night to watch the wild life, if not the most profitable night to work.


Anyhow, one karaoke night in particular has always stood out in my mind. I remember heading up to the bar’s server station to pick up my drinks, and while I waited, Mark - one of our regulars - approached me and leaned in close, “Mel, I have been watching you all night…”


“Great… where is this going?” I thought to myself.


“I’ve been watching you… and you have got the patience of a saint.”




Mark explained, “I’ve watched how you danced around all these people who are constantly standing in your way. I see you actually apologise to people when you have to ask them to move because they’re crowding the server’s station. I’ve witnessed how politely you treat all the drunks in here – myself included, and always take the time to listen to us ramble like I’m doing now. And through it all, you’re always smiling. You’re always patient.”


Mark was kinda inebriated that night, so I don’t know why I didn’t just brush off his drunken observation with a casual laugh. Instead his unexpected compliment has always stayed with me. It was something that I hadn’t realized about myself before… and when I started thinking about it, I actually think there is a bit of truth to it.


I mean, it’s not to say that people don’t totally piss me off, like ex-Manager… but I do think for the most part I am a pretty mellow and patient person. I don’t mind taking the time to stop and smell the roses -- or converse with a drunk at the bar. And if I know something wonderful is on the horizon, then I usually have enough patience to wait forever for it to happen, because I take comfort in knowing that everything happens in its own time, the way it’s meant to.


I remember before J and I had started dating, that I somehow just *knew* we’d end up together. I don’t know how… it’s just one of those things, that when you know, you know. And so when I’d see him around, and we’d wave hello, I would think to myself, “Sometime I’ll look back on this moment and remember what it was like… the butterflies and excitement of waiting for it to happen.” I didn’t know when or how, but I knew it would be well worth the wait once it did.


So despite Mark’s drunkenness that night, when I look back on all the various moments throughout my life that could have easily tested my patience, I think he was right… I am pretty darn patient.


However, fast forward a handful of years later, and for what feels like the first time ever, I can sense the threads of my patience starting to wear thin, leaving gaps for the pins n’ needles to settle in. Perhaps it’s because J has absolutely *no* patience what-so-ever, so his constant pining for things to happen right away is starting to rub off on me. I don’t know how much longer I can keep telling him, “It will happen. Just be patient.” When I know that I too am anxious for us to finally reach that same golden opportunity that’s taunting us from tomorrow’s horizon. We can see it, we can feel it… but the when’s and how’s have yet to be answered…. And June 20th is drawing close.


Even though things have turned around here at work with new VP, I still can’t take my eyes off of June 20th… the dream date I wrote on my calendar months ago… the day that I want to quit …. Or at least give my two week’s notice by.


Like I briefly touched on before, we are on the cusp of a great opportunity – if, and only if, things all fall into place. Although we haven’t told anyone close to us yet, I always feel free to blab here in blogland… so I’ll share the details with you all now.


Currently, we have a good chance at getting some development funding for our script which could allow us the flexibility to quit our day jobs. Depending on the total sum, budgeting that money wisely might allow us the opportunity to work full time on rewriting our script so that it is stronger (and clearer) as suggested in the professional notes we received. We could also use that time to work towards finding someone to produce it, as we currently have a handful of people waiting to see the next draft, as well as a list of others who we’d like to approach.


Also, depending on the amount of development funding we receive and how long we could survive beyond the confines of the 9- 5, I have a pretty neat idea for a dark comedy that I’d like to explore, and might even write solo. Because J has no intention of directing that one, I think I’d have a bit of an easier time getting it optioned, (not that anything is ever easy – but I know that it has to be easier than trying to attach yourself as a first-time director to an unconventional movie.)


So that’s da scoop.


And so for now, J n’ I continue plugging away, waiting, hoping, dreaming and praying for some kind of an answer to come soon… Actually, maybe that’s where all these pins n’ needles come in? Perhaps it’s not due to lack of patience, but just not knowing all the details. Our development-funding contact recently apologised because he has been super busy lately, but he promised to get back to us in a week’s time…. That was two weeks ago. He is a man of his word, so we know he’ll get back to us one way or another. I only wish we would get an answer soon… any kind of answer. Even a flat out “No” is better than not knowing. Otherwise, it’s just so hard to shove these dreams into the back of your mind, when you’re currently in proposal-writing hell at work, and all you really want to do is have the chance to write your own stuff.


With J’s email on a constant Refresh, and him forever sending me little reminders that he still hasn’t heard any word back yet, I don’t know how much longer I can keep saying “Just be patient” without being hypocritical. I worry that I may have to soon surrender my title as Saint Mellowdee of Patience… unless of course, we hear some news first. But for now we’re left waiting…







posted on June 11, 2008 12:38 PM ()


Dang it! I can't wait either!!!!
comment by shesaidwhat on June 16, 2008 12:39 PM ()
Maybe the universe is just testing you all. Making sure you all don't give up...sometimes obsticles are opportunities.
comment by elfie33 on June 14, 2008 11:05 AM ()
I am fairly paitient, but it is not my strongest attribute by any means. Good luck on your endeavor.
comment by cashew on June 13, 2008 1:21 PM ()
I do hope you get your script done. Did I ever tell you I like it very much!I've been so busy, and I'm sorry about that.
comment by teacherwoman on June 12, 2008 3:57 PM ()
Patience is an important and much-under-valued commodity. When I left teaching, I became a salesman between acting and directing jobs. I found that I was good at it, but that I had to be patient. (Pushy salesmen REALLY turn people off...including myself.) I likened my job to a farmer planting orchid bulbs. After the bulb is in the earth, you must nurture it for a long period of time. For the longest time, nothing happens! It is then that you must have faith. Sometimes it takes TEN YEARS to get a blossom, but the beauty of the much anticipated flower makes the waiting and the work all worth it.
comment by hayduke on June 12, 2008 9:37 AM ()
Patience indeed and I'm most impressed with Mark's insight. Not many people pay close enough attention to the positive behaviors of others. Mark must be right and so your patience level will kick up a gear to help you in your "waiting" process. The stars are aligned for you Mel and you have worked for this! "Good things come to those who wait"
comment by frogfenatic on June 11, 2008 10:49 PM ()
thanks for sharing the news with us! I knew it had to be something involving the movie! this is so awesome Mel! Now I will be on pins and needles waiting with you.
comment by elkhound on June 11, 2008 6:37 PM ()
My fingers are crossed for you and J.I hope you hear something soon and all your dreams come true............
comment by dogsalot on June 11, 2008 4:15 PM ()
A server--anyone working with the public--has to have patience or they don't belong in the job--though I was not a very patient person as a server I surprised myself with what I could and did put up with--maybe because I loved being one!!!
comment by greatmartin on June 11, 2008 3:02 PM ()
Well, if what you're headed for is a huge, dramatic life change (and I absolutely *believe* that it is!), wouldn't it stand to reason that everything, even a characteristic you have, would be forced to change? Wouldn't *everything* have to be challenged?Waiting still sucks, though...tell J to have a bowl of ice cream for me or something.
comment by janetk on June 11, 2008 2:10 PM ()
I could never call myself patient so kudos to you on that one!
And HOW EXCITING your life will be soon!!! It'll happen, like you say, I am sure of it!
comment by kristilyn3 on June 11, 2008 12:59 PM ()

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