The doc says things are progressing but there is nothing saying I am headed towards an early labor, which is fine. I am so over being pregnant but not yet ready to be a mom. Such a conundrum. haha
We got the insulation in the attic so that is good. I haven't heard any mice, so the latest annoyance is the stink bugs, but at least they are just annoying and not harmful to me or the dogs...
I re-potted the tomato, Aloe & Strawberry plants I got from the farmers market today. I am hoping some survive... I saw little clover things sprouting from where I planted some cucumber seeds and radish seeds. I don't know if they are sprouting or if it's completely unrelated. I am such a novice! Practice makes perfect. I hope. So in ten years I might have a clue!
I saw some of you planted garlic. I need to look into that, since I ADORE garlic!!! I don't know how the planting of that works though. Yet.
I shall leave you with a picture of the snake tail that gave me a heart attack. Ron seriously didn't see it for a minute... I don't understand men and their lack of vision sometimes. If the snake had boobs I am sure he never would have missed it.

And here is a funny one that makes Kraymer look huge. Granted he's 95 pounds he will always be my little man! And he looks bigger than he is here...

I hope you are all having a great weekend thus far!!!