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Life & Events > Wanton Destruction to the Inverstment Property..

Wanton Destruction to the Inverstment Property..

So the party with the looters wound up being interesting… one of the looters, the nephew who just recently started paying rent, got completely hammered during the party. Hammered as in not being able to stay awake during trivial pursuit and falling asleep at the table hammered. So he sauntered up the spiral staircase to bed. Fine and dandy.

About a half an hour later, water starts pouring out of the ceiling through a hole meant for speakers someday. J (boy half owner) runs upstairs to find the drunken looter asleep in the bathtub with the water still running (and overflowing). Luckily drunken looter did not drown in the tub! This gave the other half of J (J girl) a chance to bitch to me about how these other two looters are not treating the house as they should, how they are very messy and have no respect. Interesting. WHO WOULD HAVE THUNK that having a frat house type atmosphere in a million dollar investment property would have repercussions? Not R. But did I? WHAT HAVE I BEEN BIOTCHING ABOUT?? I have told R repeatedly that the more people who live there the more the value will go down due to wear and tear. Throw in a shit ton of tomfoolery (which the two new looters are bringing) and it spells trouble. Annoying. And even R said he was going to say something to J (boy who owns half the investment property). We'll see if that happens (I doubt it.)

Anywho, we hung out there for a bit after the fiasco and then we escaped to a diff friend’s house (this was about midnight or later).

So that was Friday.

Saturday we went to his friends house to watch the AL game. It was quite sad to watch them lose. :0( But then again on Sunday I watched the packers and the jets and the redskins lose as well. Crappy end to the weekend!

In other news, I am starting to believe that the thought of coming to work makes me physically ill. I had a pounding headache and didn’t come in on Friday, then I felt better as the day went on and fine all weekend. Today I feel like crap once again. I can only attribute this to the hate I feel for my job manifesting itself negatively in me making me physically ill. Good times indeed.

Oh! R and I finally got a king sized bed! I am so excited! When we were traveling over Thanksgiving with the boys we stayed in two diff hotels – both in king sized beds. We all fit well, so we decided a king was the way to go! I am excited, although we were supposed to be couch shopping. Haha oh well. R rationalized that if we didn’t go to our fave watering hole for the month of January we could afford it. Sad, but mostly true…

But anyways. “Happy” Monday.

posted on Dec 8, 2008 7:22 AM ()


This was suppose to go under Coins response
comment by redwolftimes on Dec 9, 2008 7:12 AM ()
Geez dude..stop being such a moron
comment by redwolftimes on Dec 9, 2008 7:11 AM ()
Alcohol mixed with immaturity..not a healthy combo.If I was R I'd make sure somebody was held accountable for the damage..and paid for it.
comment by redwolftimes on Dec 9, 2008 7:10 AM ()
Dump those horrible people! You will love your king size bed with the boys and R. Hugs
comment by elderjane on Dec 9, 2008 6:53 AM ()
Jeez.., put your panties in the "freezer" for a few! Your like freeking out! Everything you said made sense. But I think.. you are having "internal" problems. I am sure, it's just estrogen (cause I know you are cool)... What you really need,, is chill.. and look at the entire situation for a few.. LUV Gary
comment by coincutter on Dec 8, 2008 9:28 PM ()
Oh, wow I hope R can put a stop to the tomfoolery (love that word btw). And a kingsized bed sounds divine!
comment by sexysadie on Dec 8, 2008 5:31 PM ()
Enjoy the king size bed. It sounds heavenly!!!
comment by kissy2008 on Dec 8, 2008 10:08 AM ()
Oh!!!!!!not sure what to say.Dumped them.
Is this a poor choice?Who needs them.
comment by fredo on Dec 8, 2008 9:53 AM ()
Sorry you had to spend time with folks you don't care for. That is the worse isn't it? I'm so glad that my husband and I both agree on who we're friends with and genuinely enjoy their company.

That king size bed sounds great. Better nights sleep may lead to better days?? Who knows?
comment by shesaidwhat on Dec 8, 2008 9:01 AM ()

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