I love that song by the Notting Hillbillies although I can't find it on itunes. Anywho!
I bought a pack this morning.
R and I went to vote at 7am. We waited outside in line for about a half hour, then a man came out and recruited people with the last name between P-Z. R said oh - that's me! And left my side. He was done 10 minutes later. I wasn't done a half an hour later. I was pissed. A funny story though - a couple that had been in front of us had the same dealio happen, dude left the line... so he came back, kissed her and said see honey, you should have taken my last name! haha
that made me laugh... but yeah, I was PISSED that they didn't treat the lines more fairly - so I sent a note to the election board this morning when I returned home after 8am. Annoying.
I then decided on my way to work the torture of not smoking wasn't worth it and that I would only have a few today. I plan to stick to that cuz I want to quit... I just don't know quite how to handle my frustration in life without smokey treats by my side... once I figure that out I think I will have them beat.
anyways... my co-worker is leaving 2 hours early to vote. I am kinda thinking... wtf? I coulda stayed in bed instead of being responsible and getting up early enough to not be late for work? Such is my life...
Happy Tuesday!