So we got our fair share of bad weather recently... Tucker doesn't like the storms so he was a bit of a freak last night but he pulled through. Such a cutie... but not as cute as Kraymer of course. :0) We didn't get hit with any tornadoes or anything tho so I guess we are lucky! I was not excited about being outside walking dogs today in the mess but I got lucky, it was only sprinkling when I was out and about walking the puppies.
R and I had a fantastic anniversary get away. He planned a day of wineries before we stayed overnight at one. It was soooo pretty, it was like a home away from home. It was beautiful! Here's a pic:

We loved it...
And today the boys got groomed, so here's a pic of them as well. :0)

Happy Thursday peeps! I am excited for the weekend. We're taking a couple friends to a winery since they are winery virgins. Should be a GREAT time!!!