Things have been busy here. I wrapped up my first training class tonight, it was a lot of fun! I am glad I have the first run under my belt.
Right now Ron and I are watching the Caps, about to go to Overtime! EEK! And the Nats just won, so we are hoping the Caps do the same...
I wanted to share pics of our new family member. Her name is Charlotte, and she is our foster dog. SUPER CUTE! It didn't take her long to fit in. It was weird though, she's our first foster and we picked her up and they handed us food and said to grab a collar and a harness if we needed one and off we went. She is a cutie. Here are some pics!
This one makes me laugh, because she was seriously trying to sleep like this.

And then here she is on her first day, fitting right in!

Happy Wednesday peeps!