When he came out he looked happy and I thought all was well.
When we got home I gave him a good look over. It looked like he had a huge hole in throat. He had blood all over his skin and fur. I was in shock. Seriously?
Here is a pic of his neck, although it REALLY looks worse in person...

Then the blood started dripping out of the sutures. What kind of BUTCHER did I take my baby too??? I freaked out, called the vet back and said he's leaking blood! Is this normal? They said no, bring him back in.
So back into the car we went. We got there, the vet said it looked like normal oozing and they were going to put a warm compress on it. She also told me to lock him in the laundry room. I was like what? Why? She said "he might bleed and you don't want to mess anything up." I was like I do not care about his blood. At all. Grrr!
AND if she had actually TALKED to me after the surgery I might have known about the blood to begin with and saved myself a heart attack, and saved Kraymer another trip when he was obviously drugged up.
When we got home the second time, I was laying with him on the floor and he started breathing slower and slower then he stopped. Heart attack numero dos. I was lookin at him saying BREATHE! Then he started biting his tongue a little bit and I realized it was the pain meds. Sheesh.
Regardless, I am not happy. I have thought about it further and the fact that the vet thought it was a lymph node - and went in to do surgery on it only to find she didn't know what it was (a fatty mass) makes me wonder as well.
Anyways, Kraymer is bleeding on and off which I hate, but he seems to be ok...
Wish us luck!