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Parenting & Family > Pets > Quite a Scare

Quite a Scare

So I went to get my Kraymer and I was just ecstatic... I couldn't wait!

When he came out he looked happy and I thought all was well.

When we got home I gave him a good look over. It looked like he had a huge hole in throat. He had blood all over his skin and fur. I was in shock. Seriously?

Here is a pic of his neck, although it REALLY looks worse in person...

Then the blood started dripping out of the sutures. What kind of BUTCHER did I take my baby too??? I freaked out, called the vet back and said he's leaking blood! Is this normal? They said no, bring him back in.

So back into the car we went. We got there, the vet said it looked like normal oozing and they were going to put a warm compress on it. She also told me to lock him in the laundry room. I was like what? Why? She said "he might bleed and you don't want to mess anything up." I was like I do not care about his blood. At all. Grrr!

AND if she had actually TALKED to me after the surgery I might have known about the blood to begin with and saved myself a heart attack, and saved Kraymer another trip when he was obviously drugged up.

When we got home the second time, I was laying with him on the floor and he started breathing slower and slower then he stopped. Heart attack numero dos. I was lookin at him saying BREATHE! Then he started biting his tongue a little bit and I realized it was the pain meds. Sheesh.

Regardless, I am not happy. I have thought about it further and the fact that the vet thought it was a lymph node - and went in to do surgery on it only to find she didn't know what it was (a fatty mass) makes me wonder as well.

Anyways, Kraymer is bleeding on and off which I hate, but he seems to be ok...

Wish us luck!

posted on Apr 4, 2008 4:55 PM ()


change Vets. It looks to my untrained eye that it wasn't sutured properly.
comment by elderjane on Apr 6, 2008 6:43 AM ()
What did the Vet say about the bleeding? Is it suppose to keep doing that? If it keeps up I think I might consult another vet.
comment by elfie33 on Apr 5, 2008 12:16 PM ()
oh I'm sorry to hear about this. :(
sure hope you guys have a better weekend.
comment by mrsstu on Apr 5, 2008 9:12 AM ()
Why didn't the vet stitch this up better??????????? Maggie's was just a single incision and stitched quite closed. I never saw any blood!!!!!
comment by teacherwoman on Apr 5, 2008 8:53 AM ()
This floors me!!! I would have gone ballistic!! Comparing your experience to my recent one with our dog having surgery, it sounds to me like your vet needs some professional attention (administrative complaint to the vet licensing board). Keep us posted, sweetie.
comment by looserobes on Apr 5, 2008 8:06 AM ()
My pit bull had a tumor removed from his side several years ago but the wound was sutured and did not drip any blood. Why did they leave such a gaping hole? I know deep wounds have to drain but they could have put a drain tube in there and closed the wound around the tube. My heart would have stopped when Kraymer quit breathing. What a nightmare! That vet would get a piece of my mind and would probably not want me as a client anymore by the time I vented at him. Hugs for you and Kraymer. Hope he is much better now.
comment by gapeach on Apr 5, 2008 7:54 AM ()
I had a very old poodle that had to have 14 teeth pulled at one time. The vet told me that there was a drainage hole in the side of her face. It bled and oozed the same way. I understand the freak out. But I would say that she should have said something to you about it.
comment by walkwithgrace on Apr 5, 2008 6:55 AM ()
whoa,whoa,something is wrong here.The vet is in trouble.This should not
Happen to him.He or she screwed up somewhere.Think that you need to talk
to someone about this.Higher authority.I do not like this and would have
made all kind of noise.He or she should be reported.
When Buffy had his tumor removed no problem at all.
Something is wrong with that vet.
See a lawyer on this.This is bull shcitt.
comment by fredo on Apr 5, 2008 6:06 AM ()
Be sure to keep him as quiet as you can in order for the wound to heal. I know that that will not be an easy task, but too much activity might cause more problems. I hate this for you and Kraymer.Vets like any one else become too insensitive since they deal with things all the time. But that is certainly no excuse!
comment by angiedw on Apr 5, 2008 4:21 AM ()
kristy i'm with the rest here.. time to look for a new (real) vet! i hope everything's okay.. did they give him something for the bleeder?
comment by raragoe on Apr 5, 2008 3:48 AM ()
Wow! If that had happened to my doggie I would have been furious! I hope he is getting better. Maybe it's time to find another vet?
comment by hopefields on Apr 5, 2008 2:19 AM ()
how horrible, I'm so sorry I know I'd be freaking out too. I really don't "do blood"
comment by gwensgifts on Apr 4, 2008 7:07 PM ()
oh my god! I would have been demanding some answers. I had this one vet for sheba. sheba loved everyone, well she snapped at this vet. so I changed vets and found the best one ever. the new guy had to operate on sheba for a tumor she had. he called me on his way home that night to see how sheba was doing. so he is my vet now for all my animals. poor kraymer! I hope you both get some sleep tonight.
comment by elkhound on Apr 4, 2008 6:10 PM ()
Hang in there, sweetie! Crossing fingers for a fast recovery!!!
comment by sexysadie on Apr 4, 2008 5:13 PM ()
oh no.....I hope he's gonna be ok.. friggin' doctors.

yer keepin' my antennas crossed pal
comment by honeybugg on Apr 4, 2008 4:59 PM ()
You know Kristy, I could tell you some horror stories with vets, but I think you may have found some that we experienced...and it's really too sad. Sorry to hear about this some looking for a new one, this is pathetic...really
comment by strider333 on Apr 4, 2008 4:58 PM ()

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