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Life & Events > Excited and Things That Keep Me up at Night ...

Excited and Things That Keep Me up at Night ...

The new job is truly exciting. I am currently working on a training curriculum so I can start training beginner classes. WAHOO! Exciting times indeed. I am nervous and hope that I can do this competently!

I didn't sleep last night. I was up until 5am. I also woke up at around 9:30 when R got out of bed. I was hoping to go back to sleep but didn't. Oh well.

We are going to meet up with teacherwoman in Feb. I am VERY excited for this! She is always so much fun... R and I are going on a cruise with my family and we are all arriving the day before to insure we make it on the cruise (since it will be Feb and we are all northern!) so we'll only have time for dinner, but at least it's hang out time.

Anyways, R asked me if my family would be ticked that we were going to be arriving then taking off to meet someone else. I said I didn't think so. He then asked if I was going to invite them all. I said nah. He didn't seem to understand that... and that is what kept me up last night.

At Christmas time I had plenty of my brothers. I love them, don't get me wrong, but S, the oldest, is fine in small doses and M the middle guy, can be really mean. An example, on Christmas day we were all at my aunts house for the annual Christmas bloody mary party. We arrived at about 3pm. At about midnight we were all playing a board game, I forget the name of it, but you have to give out clues for your team to say a word. I got R to say the word I had by using an example that my brothers thought was offensive to our immediate family. Long story, but they were right, I just didn't think about it in terms of a nosy extended family asking questions after the fact.

So after that round of the game, R and I went to smoke. My two brothers were out on the patio. My brother M started ripping me a new one for being so stupid and not thinking about other people. I apologized about ten times and he just kept railing on me so I started crying. And crying. And crying. Super fun!

Once I was back home he sent me an email apologizing. Typical. Then my parents got an upgrade for the cruise, two on one floor, two on another. M noticed that my parents, R and I are on the 8th floor while M and S are on the 6th. He sent an email saying "I see Kristy is still the favorite" R suggested I write something funny back, so I did, to which M wrote back Bulls@$%. And that was it.

I am super excited to be going on the cruise. I am not super excited that it's with my whole family. I adore my parents, I think they are the best, but the brothers? I am still getting over the Christmas time exposure... I know it's a cruise so we won't be seeing them all the time, but I would be just fine knowing that I wouldn't be seeing them for a wee bit longer... is that bad?

So that is what keeps me up some nights. Just thinking about the dysfunction and wondering if I am a bad person for seriously not wanting to be around them. And thinking of ways to avoid them. Such is life right?

Enough whining.

Happy Saturday people! I am excited for FOOTBALL! GO PACK! :0)

posted on Jan 8, 2011 8:25 AM ()


Human has brothers like that, too. You need some extras? Or maybe we could shut both sets up together and let them shred one another.
comment by zillahkatt on Jan 10, 2011 2:28 PM ()
Oh I need NOOOOOO MORE brothers!!!!
reply by kristilyn3 on Jan 10, 2011 4:54 PM ()
Ignore your brothers, give your attention to your hubby. Smoke, drink, and eat to your heart's content. It's a cruise, Baby!
comment by solitaire on Jan 9, 2011 6:58 AM ()
Exactly. I am psyched and have been trying to keep the brothers off my mind!
reply by kristilyn3 on Jan 10, 2011 7:45 AM ()
Great news about the job. You'll do great!
And you are NOT a bad person for wanting to have dinner with a friend instead of the family. You'll be on the cruise with your family. One evening isn't too much. Enjoy!
comment by sexysadie on Jan 8, 2011 6:00 PM ()
Thanks lady, that is how I feel as well. I think it'll all be good! I hope anyways. Miss you!
reply by kristilyn3 on Jan 10, 2011 7:45 AM ()
Did not realized that you smoke.Bad Girl
What part of Guatemala are you going to hit.
Drop the smoke and why do you need it.Com on girl time to give this nasty habit of yours.
Look I am here not to be insulting but you know that this is wrong.
You will change once you start to have a family.Now is the time to do it.
Sorry to be so blunt about this.Still love ya.
comment by fredo on Jan 8, 2011 1:12 PM ()
You didn't realize I still smoke? I never hid it... But yeah, we are cutting down and I HOPE to be done with them soon. You are correct sir, and no need to apologize!
reply by kristilyn3 on Jan 8, 2011 1:16 PM ()
Can you smoke in the cabins? It would be rotten if you couldn't - I don't smoke 'that' much anymore, but I do need a drag in the morning with my coffee - it gets my head 'right' lol
Your job sounds so great - and it is excellent that you are happy doing it too
A wonderful start to the new year by having a cruise to look forward to

comment by febreze on Jan 8, 2011 10:31 AM ()
I think we could, but we won't... I don't like sitting in an enclosed smokey area for long periods of time... but we are closer to the top deck where we can smoke so I guess that's good.
Yeah, I am really happy about the job. Really!
reply by kristilyn3 on Jan 8, 2011 12:04 PM ()
How great! About the cruise of course. Where are you going? Just ignore
the brothers. I have been on a lot of different floors and you have the
same good time so your brother is being a sht. In fact, I don't even
think a balcony makes much difference.
comment by elderjane on Jan 8, 2011 9:03 AM ()
We are going to the Caribbean - Guatamala and Key West are two of our four stops. I'm excited! We don't even have a balcony so he's being a sht for no real reason... I wish we did have a balcony though, for smokers it makes a WORLD of difference!
reply by kristilyn3 on Jan 8, 2011 9:08 AM ()

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