Today Charlotte was messing around with something in the yard... I saw it was a toad with some blood on it's back. I was kinda mad that Charlotte would have picked it up (she hadn't done that before) but then.... but THEN I noticed a snake. DEAR LORD! Then as I got the dogs to safety (yes I am scared of nature) I couldn't find the snake again. Oh My Lanta. I am afraid to go back outside... Does anyone know if they make snake repellent?????
Here's a pic - anyone know what kind this is? It made the little frog bleed so I hate it no matter if it's poisonous or not...

Yuckity Yuck YUCK!
I have a similarly intense disgust/hate/fear of big spiders, too. I visited my sister in Texas one time and her husband warned me to check my shoes every morning for spiders and scorpions! It freaked me out.
Wisconsin might be cold in the winter, but at least it's free of big bugs, spiders, and scorpions.
The snake is pretty cool though!