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Life & Events > And the Beat (Down) Goes On ...

And the Beat (Down) Goes On ...

Last night I decided I wanted to drown my rejection sorrows in some wine. We went to our favorite watering hole so I could do so. We were actually supposed to meet a friend out so it wasn’t a TOTAL pity party, but dude didn’t show up til after we had to leave… I told one dude that we’ve seen and talked to before why I was there (rejection pain) and he was like “Well ya know what that means. You just weren’t good enough.” I told him I had had my daily dose of reality and was at the pub to get away from it, and if he wasn’t willing to play along there were other stools available down the bar. He said “Oh, I see. I will drink up then and join ya.” I said fine.

Anywho, I got an email this morning from another place saying that while my qualifications look fabulous, they found someone that they like better. FUN! And then I had a phone interview at lunchtime for a work at home part time position. I was excited for this because it sounded interesting and I would be able to quit the other part time job with no regrets. Well apparently I do not have enough free time in a day to qualify. The guy was really nice and everything, but he didn’t think it could work. FIIIIINNNNE!

Rejection central! That’s me.

I guess it reiterates the fact that the economy sucks. The dude I talked to today for the interview was telling me he had a ton of replies all for a low paying part time job. He was surprised, but it was good for him. I laughed and said yeah, that’s great that you have so many qualified people to choose from! But it’s not so great for me.

So. The positives.

I have R. OH! And I forgot that my Kraymer is now rejecting me too. We got home from the bar and he was all over R, barely even noticed me. Seriously? He is infatuated with R. At night when R comes in to lay down Kraymer jumps up beside me – which appears as though he wants to be near me, right? Alas it’s only to secure a spot before R gets in the bed. Once R leaves the room Kraymer gets out of bed and follows him. I mean seriously? Rejection by my own dog.

So where was I. Oh yeah, the positives………………………………………………….

I am surviving. I do have my R. I was told today by a co-worker that I am gorgeous. YEAH RIGHT but it is nice to hear I suppose. I have my health even though I try to beat that down by smoking and drinking. Ah yes… the positives…

It’s funny what sneaks into my brain when I try to think of positives. Things like I get to sit in traffic for hours a day. I get to watch people take vacation days while I sit at work. Etc. etc. etc.

I need help with the positives!!!

Anyways, I shall cease the babble and leave you with HAPPY THURSDAY PEOPLE! :0)

posted on Nov 20, 2008 11:21 AM ()


My Mom says: "Nobody died today" and that sucky days beats the alternative of no days...
comment by shesaidwhat on Nov 22, 2008 4:29 AM ()
Everyone suffers rejection. I've never bothered to write about the millions of people who rejected our script before someone was willing to give us a chance - and the fact is, in the end they still may not make it, but I have no choice to believe that it will get made. Just like you... the positive in all this is that you're still getting your butt out there and trying. You haven't give up all hope. And while it may take dozens of interviews -- it only takes one person to say 'yes' and change your life for the better. It will happen! Believe it!
comment by mellowdee on Nov 21, 2008 5:28 PM ()
comment by stiva on Nov 21, 2008 9:47 AM ()
You get knocked down-you just get up and keep going-it took me a month to find a job that I can barely tolerate. I will find a better one-in Gods good time.
comment by grumpy on Nov 21, 2008 8:36 AM ()
Some of these people who are doing the hiring are not really nice, are they? Maybe you ought to try to get a job of hiring people... Keep your hopes up. You are a talented young woman!!
comment by sunlight on Nov 20, 2008 4:14 PM ()
Hope? Positivity? Isn't that what the New Year is bringing to America?
comment by sexysadie on Nov 20, 2008 2:10 PM ()
comment by mrsstu on Nov 20, 2008 1:22 PM ()
Maybe you need to become a "rebel" like me?! Live day by day, go from town to town. Hit all the best bars, and clubs. Flirt with all the pretty women (men in your case - I think)... just be "out there" being yourself! Honestly.. it's pretty much how I live, but it has some major "downsides" too. I'll let you know them, if you ever want to make a life change :)

PS.. you are a Hottie Kristy... hell I don't flirt with just anyone
comment by coincutter on Nov 20, 2008 12:17 PM ()
Maybe a life coach can help you there
comment by fredo on Nov 20, 2008 12:16 PM ()
Well lets are in an upright position and your obit wasn't in the paper today, there are two things to be thankful forAnd yes you are gorgeous
comment by redwolftimes on Nov 20, 2008 12:08 PM ()
Okay, here are a few positives for ya -

McCain did NOT win -
Bush is LEAVING -
We finally have "hope" in a new president!
And lastly - Your life reminds me of "Friends" One of my ALL time favorite sitcoms!
How much more positive can ya get?
comment by greeneyedgemini on Nov 20, 2008 11:49 AM ()

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