The joys of pregnancy!!! So I got an email from a friend recently who said - ah, the dreaded third trimester. I thought WOW! That sums it up pretty nicely! I am more uncomfortable than I have been... I don't sleep well at night because of leg cramps, having to pee, heartburn, nasal blockage, and general uncomfortableness (does she live in my ribs????) - but whatever. People say it'll be worth it in the end soooooooo that's what I keep in mind! I am blessed that I don't have to report to a full time job so I can nap whenever needed during the day. Only about 8 weeks left of this lifestyle!
So baby girl has been running around my belly a lot lately, and at my baby shower my mother and friend said that soon I'd be able to see her movements as well. That freaked me out - it just seems SO WEIRD (have you seen Alien???) to have your belly moving around from the inside, but I have watched it now and it's pretty cool... weird, but neat. I like it when she's active though, even though sometimes she pinches me, because then I know that she is doing ok in there.
I am going to take a 32 week belly shot today... I will post that next time I am on here if I remember. I feel like I am a beached whale sometimes but I am only going to grow and grow for the next 8 weeks!!! So I should enjoy how "small" I am now, right? HA
Here are some pics of the boys and a random funny one that made me laugh when I saw it on the web... Enjoy!
The Kraymer cuddled up with Dad...

Tucker cuddled up in the Green Bay snuggie...

And the random big nose

Today Ron and I are going to watch a movie called "The happiest baby on the block" that will help us learn to swaddle and how to handle a newborn. We also are signed up for classes tomorrow night and Tuesday night. Mondays class is newborn care, Tuesdays is how to sign, since I think that's a good way to start communication. Hope they are beneficial classes.
Happy Sunday peeps! I hope you all are having nice relaxing weekends!