I have officially entered the 3rd trimester. Do I get a prize??? No??? Why not? ha
My friends are throwing me a baby shower next week, I am excited to see friends and family, but I have never been a fan of baby showers. In fact I avoid them whenever possible. It's not possible this time... BUT I figure after all the gifts I have sent along to others, well, why not just sit back and enjoy.
My ribs hurt. I feel as though baby is taking up residence there and I am not really a fan. Oh well. I also notice that when I am getting up from a lying down position I moan and groan a bit. Eek! Although Kraymer is doing that now whenever he moves (he's 9, my little old man) so we kinda match which makes me laugh.
In other news, we are fostering a new pup. Here are a few pics for ya! She's a cutie pie...
This is Cupcake on the couch next to Ron. Kraymer is on my lap sleeping in the forefront...

And here is Cupcake getting comfy in the dog bed on the floor. She cracks me up!

So she has been keeping us a bit busier. She is heartworm positive so her treatment will be coming up! She also has people interested in her already as well, so we'll see if and when they are approved to take her home.
Happy Sunday peeps! I think it's time I go lay down again to give my ribs a break from sitting. Be jealous! ha