We (aka Ron) got the crib put together, and it looks nice!

The part we don't get is that we don't see how to bring the mattress up from off the bottom. We don't really want baby girl sleeping on the floor now do we? I looked through the instructions and didn't see anything and there aren't the pegs on the crib bars that people have said would be there. It's confusing! I suppose this is the first of many confusions headed our way as we enter parenthood. ha
Here is a pic of the belly at 32 weeks -

I feel ginormous! But I know I am only going to get bigger... Fredo asked me about the name we would be giving baby girl and I said that I would post it, so here goes. Skylar Helena (Hel aye nah). Helena was a given, Helen was my fave grandmothers name and also Ron's grandmothers name. And then to top it all off, Ron grew up in Helena Alabama, so he was sold. I love the name Helena though... I forget why we didn't want it as a first name but I love Skylar as well! We wanted something that wasn't an everyday name... If you hate the name we have chosen please don't come down too hard on us. We like it. :-)
And now I shall leave you with a funny!

Happy weekend peeps!