But the rebuilding is finally finished. It turned out just the way I pictured it, and it's better than what was there before. The garage had been next to the house, as you see in the pic above. Now it's further back on the property and in the corner. I'll have to wait until spring for the grass to fill in and the lilacs to bloom, but that's life. At least I can shovel the drive way and parking area when the snow comes. If you want to see how a pole barn is constructed, keep scrolling.....
Cement and lumber....

An auger digs the holes for the posts. Four and a half feet deep. Would take guys an entire day or more to do it by hand with post-hole diggers.

The first posts go in....

The siding and roofing material is on site...

Roof trusses are constructed off-site and brought in.

Have a happy Thanksgiving!