Good Thursday Morn, Blog Pals:
   Less than two weeks until this circus from the psycho ward(i.e. this election) is over. Thank goodness. Just when you think things can't get any sillier or more trivial, up comes another asinine news flash. I am so sick up and fed(as Cheech and Chong would say) with all this. Here are some stupid irrelivant items that the Einsteins in the news media and on various campaign staffs have gotten their collective undies in a twist over.
   Yesterday it was revealed that the Republican National Comittee spent $150,000 at Neiman-Marcus and Saks Fifth Avenue(among other places, I'm sure) on a new wardrobe for Vice Presidential candidate Gov. Sarah Palen(Clothes Horse-Alaska). So what. Its not like it was taxpayer's money. This has not thing One to do with the pressing issues of the day or what kind of leader she'll make. And as long as we're investigating candidates clothing expenditures, I'm almost certain Sen. Obama (Dancing With The Stars - Illinois) doesn't buy his suits from Men's Warehouse. Let's investigate that. Well, I sure hope the press doesn't find out that I went to Wally World the other day and bought myself a bag of tube sox and a couple six packs of ladies undergarments. It'll be a feeding frenzy
Reporters: (shoving mikes in Bugg's face)"What do you wear, Bugg? Breifs? Bikinis? Or Thongs?"
Me: "Depends."
   Joe The Plumber. Is anyone else so sick of hearing about this guy you could ralph at the sight of a pipe wrench? Well, our ever intrepid press jerks, having figured out what caused the economic crisis and hounded Washington lobbyists and Congressional crooks out of bid'ness, have been going up this guy's ass with a microscope. Not only did they find out that he didn't actually have a plumbing license(you need a license to unplug a toilet?) and owed some back taxes, but they snooped around in his past and found out that while living in Arizona in 2000 he had his driver's license suspended for unpaid fines. On what planet does this have the slightest bearing on who leads the free world for the next four years? Please give it a rest and move onto something with a little more investigating the crazy lady at McCain's rally that said Obama was an "Arab" and find out what medication she's on and when she stopped taking it.Â
    And speaking of Mr. Obama and his "American-ness".  Come on, people. Let's put this "he's a Muslim" thing to rest. Let's face it, if he were a Muslim, the real whackjob jihadists  would have declared a "fatwa" on him and blown him up by now for denying his faith. I think Gen. Colin Powell (I've Had It With All Of Them -D.C.) summed it up best. When interveiwed on Meet The Press last weekend, he said "The correct answer is he is not a Muslim, he's a Christian. He's always been a Christian. But the really right answer is, what if he is? Is there something wrong with being a Muslim in this country? The answer is no, that's not America. Is something wrong with some 7 year old Muslim-American kid believing that he or she could be president?" Gen. Powell then went on to relate how moved he was when he saw a picture of a mother of a fallen soldier at Arlington sobbing at her son's grave. A decorated soldier who gave his life for his country and who just happened to have a cresent and star on his tombstone rather than a cross or a star of David. I could not agree more with the general. You can't judge a whole group of people by the actions of a few unhinged loons. If you followed that logic, all white Protestants would be klansmen, all Jews would belong to the JDL and all Irish Catholics would be pipe bomb toting IRA members. Ya know, we should have elected Gen. Powell when we had the chance. Now there's a real Republican.
   My whole point here is lets get our heads out of our asses, people. Deciding on who is gonna be our leader for the next 4 years is too important to waste time on frivolous crap. Let's stick to the issues and make our decisions based on who we think best adresses those.  Then fugeddaboudit and vote for Bugg.
Have a good weekend everyone.
yer mebee we can talk him into another stint and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs pal