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Breaking News: Poobah Candidate Hospitalised
Breaking News: Poobah Candidate Hospitalised
(AP, CNN, NBC, Reuters, Buggnews)
    Poobah Candidate Honey J. Bugg(Who Gives A Shit-West By God) was hospitalized overnight Saturday after suffering chest pains, heart palpitations, and shortness of breath. Dr. Ranjapor V. Punjab, associate of Ms. Bugg's personal physicial, Dr. Jawaharal S. Whalebutt indicated that tests showed Ms. Bugg did not, repeat, NOT have a heart attack, but that he felt it wise to admit her and perform myriad tests(in voice of Apu on speed, bad rug askew) "just to be on the safe side. She does have a history of cardiac problems and continues to eat crap like the world will end tomorrow." After all tests were analysed, and after much whining, kvetching, and bitching ("get me the hell outa here!!! I got a campaign to wage, dammit, and there's only 9 days left") Ms. Bugg was released with a fistful of prescriptions and admonishments to just chill and lay off the deep fried Twinkies for awhile.Â
    Ms. Bugg is scheduled to resume her campaign jugernaught(the operative word here being "jug") after returning home to change Hawaiian shirts and plaid capri pants.
posted on Oct 26, 2008 10:21 PM ()
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And as for you diet, have you ever tried fried baloney sandwiches? They are a true west-Michigan delicacy.