Happy New Year, MyBloggersville!!! May the New Year Bring all of you happiness and prosperity and the closeness and warmth of your own dear ones. reguards yer starting anew pal bugg
posted on Dec 31, 2008 2:28 PM ()
and the same to u bugg am waiting for a visit from you you know
Honeybugg, you will have a fantastic year, I know it in my heart. My heart is never wrong. Well, sometimes... but not in cases like this! Happiness to you!
They drop a big ball in NY, a peach in Atlanta and an Orange in Florida. What do they drop at midnight on New Year's Eve in Cow Snot? Oh, I bet I know! A large cow patty???
You know those cowboys have big hats and tight butts. I am wishing you a good one.
Happy New (and I DO mean new!) Year to you, too, Honey. Try to enjoy your new surroundings.
Happy New Year Dear Buggs. Hope this year is one of the best ones ever. Cow Snot will be a much more exciting place, now that you have arrived.
Happy New Year Bugg. Hope you are settling in in your new diggs.
Thought of you reading our bulletin board--they are accepting 100 applications on Friday--wouldn't it be great to live here in South Florida??? HAVE A GREAT YEAR BUGG!!!! (Watch those cowboys--don't take too much advantage of them!)_
lOve you buggs.
Happy New Year Miss Buggs! I hope you have a wonderful 2009 and maybe meet a nice looking cowboy!
Hey Buggs! You stay warm and cozy tonight. Those buffalo and coyotes are out drinking again. Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to you too, Buggsie.. And don't quit yer day job, Hallmark isn't hiring!