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Life & Events > Relationships > Neither Rain nor Wind ...

Neither Rain nor Wind ...

Today had to have been one of the nastiest, rainiest days I remember and tonight the wind is whipping.

I went to bed last night with an awful headache and stomach ache and when I woke up, the stomach part was still there. I had to bring my daughter to dance and I planned to get my fasting bloodwork but as soon as I got on the road I remembered that my tail light was still out and with the flooding, the cops were out every where. So I went to my husband's work and he fixed it. My son got invited to go with a friend and that is what got the ball rolling.

Even though my stomach was killing me every time I stood up, I packed up our necessities and marched on through the huge puddles that soaked my socks and sneakers through the day. When Riss came home I was able to initiate a conversation with her about going over to Gram's house and being able to stay nights with my Daddy and I. She took right to the idea and embraced it. She's an intuitive girl. Today she came out of dance and she was so excited. It was too cute. She says "Mommy, look! All of the Company Members, we each got this today. It's our own Bible and it says Guiding Steps on it "(the dance school name) "and it even comes in this cute matching bag." It is wicked cute. It's in all stylish colors of like orange and one other color I can't remember right now.

So her and I moved stuff to my parent's house in the rain and transported the three dogs. We were waiting for it to be time to pick up brother. So after getting him from his friends (I'm so glad he was able to have a nice day with a friend) I tried to tell him in a similar, gentle way. At first he was all set with it and said that he wanted to stay with me tonight and then after a few minutes he became real quiet and he started to cry just a little (as if holding it in). I hugged him and rubbed his back and assured him how much he was loved. Then we talked about dinner and we headed to the grocery store to pick up a few things to cook and have the house feel like home with foods and snacks. It was very late by the time I finished the kids requested homemade meatballs and spaghetti, but I still didn't eat because of my stomache.

My husband stopped to see the kids and my son didn't want him to go but still didn't want to go home with Dad. He cried a few times off and on tonight as to be expected.

So I feel a little lonely but my boy is sleeping next to me. He needed to be with his Momma tonight. I wish my little buddy wasn't getting another cold. The dogs are around too and having a little trouble adjusting just like Kevin. The wind doesn't help the fact that they're barking at every unknown noise that is different from what they're used to hearing.

Mostly I feel relieved for now. Except for when I talk to my husband. He's still not seeing things clearly for what they are. He seems quite clueless actually. He said it was sudden??? We've been discussing it in detail. He's just like why today? and then he wanted to know if there was someone else. I told him the truth at a 100% no, there is nobody I'm romantically even thinkinging about. The only important someone's in my life are now helping my kids heal. We'll do it together.

I'm still praying both prayers of thanks and those asking for continued guidance and strength.

posted on Mar 8, 2008 9:06 PM ()


I am glad you made the move gwen. and I hope you can all start healing now. poor little kev! he is very sensitive.
comment by elkhound on Mar 9, 2008 9:31 AM ()

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