I hope my husband shapes up like asap and stops pouting in front of the kids. I'm trying to make this such a positive experience for them and giving them more attention and showing them how much happier I am already, but he is not making the same effort. I pray for his sake he doesn't push the kids away by being like this.
My son really missed his dad both last night and this morning but when it came down to it, it took some persuading to get him to go with his Dad. My daughter almost didn't go either as he seemed to push her from wanting to go by saying that they were working in the shop on the 4 wheeler, but then after I said a couple things to Riss and about Kevin benefiting from resting now that he'd had the tylenol and they all took off to the house (our house to which I'm saying goodybe). My husband tells me he wants as little contact with me as possible (because it's easier for him). I think this is selfish but I can no longer worry or feel guilty about his decisions.
I'm already feeling the power to be a better Mom and person. I know that this too will be a roller coaster but this time, I chose the ride.
"Nobody can live life backwards. Look ahead, it's where your future lies."
I survived the night and I am happy without any sleep. I wish it were easier for my boy, but I know it will get better. If he didn't have a cold and low grade fever, I am sure the transition would have been a little smoother.
I hope my husband shapes up like asap and stops pouting in front of the kids. I'm trying to make this such a positive experience for them and giving them more attention and showing them how much happier I am already, but he is not making the same effort. I pray for his sake he doesn't push the kids away by being like this.
My son really missed his dad both last night and this morning but when it came down to it, it took some persuading to get him to go with his Dad. My daughter almost didn't go either as he seemed to push her from wanting to go by saying that they were working in the shop on the 4 wheeler, but then after I said a couple things to Riss and about Kevin benefiting from resting now that he'd had the tylenol and they all took off to the house (our house to which I'm saying goodybe). My husband tells me he wants as little contact with me as possible (because it's easier for him). I think this is selfish but I can no longer worry or feel guilty about his decisions.
I'm already feeling the power to be a better Mom and person. I know that this too will be a roller coaster but this time, I chose the ride.
"Nobody can live life backwards. Look ahead, it's where your future lies."
I survived the night and I am happy without any sleep. I wish it were easier for my boy, but I know it will get better. If he didn't have a cold and low grade fever, I am sure the transition would have been a little smoother.
I hope my husband shapes up like asap and stops pouting in front of the kids. I'm trying to make this such a positive experience for them and giving them more attention and showing them how much happier I am already, but he is not making the same effort. I pray for his sake he doesn't push the kids away by being like this.
My son really missed his dad both last night and this morning but when it came down to it, it took some persuading to get him to go with his Dad. My daughter almost didn't go either as he seemed to push her from wanting to go by saying that they were working in the shop on the 4 wheeler, but then after I said a couple things to Riss and about Kevin benefiting from resting now that he'd had the tylenol and they all took off to the house (our house to which I'm saying goodybe). My husband tells me he wants as little contact with me as possible (because it's easier for him). I think this is selfish but I can no longer worry or feel guilty about his decisions.
I'm already feeling the power to be a better Mom and person. I know that this too will be a roller coaster but this time, I chose the ride.
"Nobody can live life backwards. Look ahead, it's where your future lies."