Divorce Survey

Take this survey
Have you ever been married? yes
How many times? once
Have you ever been divorced? going through this now
How many times? see above
Why did you marry your spouse(s)? we'd been together since 14 and married after college
How long did it last? the marriage 13 yrs, the relationship 21
Did you have a fairy-tale wedding? yes
How many bridesmaids/groomsmen? 4 of each
Where did you honeymoon? Poconos
Did you live with them before you married them? for about a month
Where did you meet them? through a friend
How long after you met them did you have sex with them? 2+ yrs.
Did you have kids before you got married? no
When did it start to fall apart? right after the wedding and again after the birth of each child and especially the past 2 yrs.
Who emotionally pulled away first? me I guess but only because he was never really "emotionally there"
Why? I got tired of being hurt when the love and caring wasn't reciprocated in a way I needed
Did either of you cheat? me emotionally, he...not that I know of...
If so, who cheated first? see above
Did you try to save your marriage? yes
How so? 2 counselors, many different plans amongst the 2 of us
Are you friends now? yes
Who do the kids live with? me
Was the divorce friendly? so far so good
Does he/she pay child support regularly and on time? yes
Did you have sex with him/her during the time you were separated? no
Was it better than when you were married? no
Did you have sex with him after the divorce? not there yet
Was it better than when you were married? same
Do you want him/her back? I miss the dream but not the day to day life
Have they remarried? too early still
Are they happy? ...
Do you still talk to them? who is them?
Do you still love them? I'll always "love" him
Do you like their new spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend? ...
Do your kids like their new spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend? ...
Do your kids like your new spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend? ...
Does he/she like your new spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend? ...
Do you still think about them? yes
How long has it been since your divorce? ...
How long has it been since you spoke to them last? today
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