August 12, 2008
Temporary set back--I had gone to my primary doctor yesterday and he wanted me to go immediately to the ER but I refused--I knew better--HA!! Got up today after a good night’s sleep only to feel all sweaty and clammy--was a little dizzy and just felt something was wrong. So I called 9-1-1 and was back in Broward General Medical Center.
I had been having very low blood pressure readings since the operation--going as low as 75-80/50---now I know you cut out salt for high blood pressure but wasn’t sure if you added salt to bring blood pressure up--googled low blood pressure but didn’t find any definite answers--I assumed it was a (bad) combination of all the pills I was taking now.
My doctor did say I could stop taking Klor-con (potassium) , Furosemide (diuretic), Budeprton (to help in stop smoking and fighting depression) and the doctor in the hospital today said to cut out lisinopril and metropolis.
Was discharged--Gino picked me up and we went out for a bite to eat--I had sausage and peppers with garlic rolls--have to build up my appetite!!!--then I came home and took a nap.
It’s 7”30 PM and I am watching Jeopardy--not feeling too bad--a little draggy--go back to primary doctor tomorrow (so he can say, “I told you so” ) then go to see heart doctor on Monday.
Everyone mentions how well the scar is healing but, folks, that’s not the problem!!