Martin D. Goodkin


Martin D. Goodkin
Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Gay, Poor Old Man

Life & Events > Unbelievable!


On Monday, after going to get fitted for
new glasses, Gino and I went to Big Louie's for a bite to eat--I
ordered the sausage and peppers on pasta,  a slalad with blue cheese dressing and garlic roles--for the first time I can
ever remember I could not finish a meal and tool home some of the
sausage and pasta--today, after Allen and I went to see my primary
doctor, we went next door to the deli I love--I ordered a Turkey on Rye
with Mustard and extra pickles--I could only eat half of the
sandwich--took the other half home.

I now have leftovers in my fridge--the
first time in my life--I, also, (and I am still in shock!!!) couldn't
finish the 1/2 dozen of cinnamon raisen buns that Babs gave me this

Something is really wrong with me
when I am not hungry, don't finish a meal, leave food over, take home
'doggie' bags--folks, I have to get better soon!!! This is madness!!!

By the way,
nothing to do with the above, I lost 11 pounds in the past two weeks
and this is with not having smoked since July 21--I put on weight the
first week of the operation and I think I lost the 11 pounds due to the
diuritics I was given--wondering how my weight will go from this point on.

I WANT MY APPETITE BACK!!!! I WANT MY STRENGTH BACK!!! I WANT MY HEALTH BACK!!! (Okay, that's my whining, crying for the day!)

posted on Aug 13, 2008 5:25 PM ()


I believe that things will get better from theis the day's appearances.
comment by donnamarie on Sept 11, 2008 8:55 PM ()
have you had any carrot cake? isn't that one of your favorites? give yourself time martin, you had major surgery. I am just glad to see you blogging and commenting!
comment by elkhound on Aug 14, 2008 6:06 AM ()
You will get it back ( and I hope sooner then you expect now), I am sure!
You are sounding more positive again , feels good to notice that!
comment by itsjustme on Aug 14, 2008 4:11 AM ()
comment by firststarisee on Aug 14, 2008 4:01 AM ()
I understand your concern Martin, but wish I had your weight loss problem. I could go for quite awhile loosing weight before it became a problem. I do know that as I get older, I can't eat as much as I used to eat, but... I still gain weight. Oh me... oh my.
comment by anniel on Aug 14, 2008 1:14 AM ()
They actually thought you were doing really well with things. It is by no means easy, but they were impressed with how much activity you have been doing. It does take a while to recover from it.
I have been impressed with how well you seem to be handling everything because a lot of people who have surgery really seem to face depression. While things have been challenging, you have stayed pretty positive and seem to be finding a way to get me laughing.
Maybe it is all the speedos on the Olympics!
comment by lunarhunk on Aug 13, 2008 8:48 PM ()
This probably doesn't make you feel better, but Ray and I have been talking about how impressed we have been with how much you have been able to eat after your surgery. It is definitely not up to your usual, but it is still good considering the shock to your system with the surgery.
Feel free to "wine." While I haven't had a surgery of your level, I am WAY worse when I am not feeling well. You haev every right to not be thrilled ... you are a gourmand, and you can't experience that like you usually do.
comment by lunarhunk on Aug 13, 2008 8:01 PM ()
glad to see you are back and at least eating something, I bet the appetite comes back sooner than you wish.
comment by cindy on Aug 13, 2008 7:13 PM ()
It will come back, you just have to get your meds straight, and your body will feel better. Get your rest, you've been thru a lot.
comment by elfie33 on Aug 13, 2008 7:12 PM ()
It will all come back in due time.You can whine all you want to,you went thru alot and are still going thru alot.Soon you will be complaining you gained too much weight.Laurie
comment by dogsalot on Aug 13, 2008 5:38 PM ()
I would be sympathetic but it isn't in my personality Love you though. Even if all you do is whine now.
comment by thepirateinthecity on Aug 13, 2008 5:30 PM ()

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